Shamanic Journeys offers classes in Alchemical Healing and related subjects, including Egyptian Mysteries and Planetary Healing. Following are a few of the seminars offered. For more detailed descriptions of classes, please direct requests for information to
We are now taking online registration and pre-payment for all scheduled classes in our new online store.
- About Alchemical Healing
- Alchemical Healing Classes
- About Alchemical Healing Classes
- Alchemical Healing Tele/Web Classes
- Private Sessions
- Sekhmet: Transformation in The Belly of The Goddess
Web/Skype teleclass with Nicki Scully - About Our Healing Services
- Making Spirit MedicineTeleseminar
- Egyptian Mysteries Retreat
- Introduction to Alchemical Healing Phone Bridge Class
- Personal and Planetary Alchemical Healing Intensive
- How to Register for classes and retreats
Although we have a lovely retreat center in Eugene, Oregon that can accommodate seminars and small gatherings, we are giving our land a break because it sustained significant damage during the 2016 ice storm.
Please check our schedules page for details of these and other events and classes sponsored by Shamanic Journeys, Ltd. or taught by Nicki Scully, and other associated teachers throughout the world.
Alchemical Healing
During this volatile time, the principles of alchemy offer effective tools to thwart our apocalyptic bent. The classical arcane goal of turning lead into gold is an apt metaphor for the transformation we require now, both personally and globally. How can we enlighten the lead of depression, fear and despair that holds so many people hostage? By what methods can we turn the pandemic of environmentally based diseases into opportunities for a healthier and more fulfilled future?
Click here to listen to a podcast of the latest Introduction to Alchemical Healing with Nicki.
Whether responding to global issues or specific personal needswhether for physical healing or for spiritual growth and development, our inherent ability to recognize and utilize available intelligence is often underestimated and overlooked. Alchemy is the process of turning the base substance of who we arethe dark mystery of our subconsciousinto the alchemical gold of knowledge and enlightenment. Like carbon that undergoes tremendous amounts of heat and pressure in order to become a clear, hard, exquisite diamond, we master our lives and achieve clarity and brilliance through the management of pressure and our adversarial conditions.
Find out about Private Healing Sessions with Nicki Scully…
Modern alchemy is emerging as one of the most powerful tools for transforming our reality, and Alchemical Healing, the comprehensive form developed by Nicki Scully, is an important vehicle for those who would heal themselves, and others. Alchemical Healing provides ways to weave spirit and matter, to develop communications between divinity and humanity, to transform experience into wisdom, and to skillfully influence physical reality to achieve healing and transformation. It honors the accumulated wisdom of the Earth and humankind, both in written and oral traditions, and it permits entry into the magical realms of intuition and limitless knowledge.
Through Alchemical Healing we consciously enter the infinite depths, prepared to bring forth that which has yet to be put into words, and to expand our capabilities to translate our magical experience into effective healing action. (For more information see Danielle Hoffmann's article: Alchemical Healing- Principles To Live By)
Healing Services Disclaimer
Alchemical Healing and the related subjects, information, tools, products, classes and services are in no way meant as substitutes for conventional medicine or advice. We do not diagnose nor treat, or claim to cure physical or mental illness. If you are ill, you are recommended to see the doctor of your choice. If you choose to consult with, accept or utilize advice, information, or services, from me or anyone represented on this site, you do so at your own choice and risk; we do not guarantee results, and understand that what helps one person may not help another. We will not accept responsibility for any adverse affects, however they may arise.
Listen to a podcasts of previous Introduction to Alchemical Healing classes with Nicki: click here.
Click Here to read feedback from previous Alchemical Healing classes.
Alchemical Healing and the related subjects, information, tools, products, classes and services are in no way meant as substitutes for conventional medicine or advice. We do not diagnose nor treat, or claim to cure physical or mental illness. If you are ill, you are recommended to see the doctor of your choice. If you choose to consult with, accept or utilize advice, information, or services, from me or anyone represented on this site, you do so at your own choice and risk; we do not guarantee results, and understand that what helps one person may not help another. We will not accept responsibility for any adverse affects, however they may arise.
Alchemical Healing Levels I, II, and III Video Tele-Seminar
with Nicki Scully
Level I: September 7, 11, 14, 18
Level II: September 28, October 2, 5, 12
Level III November 6, 9, 13, 16
5:30 to 7:30pm Pacific time (8:30 to 10:00pm Eastern)
I am offering the complete Alchemical Healing course by video tele-conference (using Zoom) so that those who can't find a teacher in their area, or can't come to my yearly intensive retreat have an opportunity to study Alchemical Healing with me. Each evening will include empowerments, demonstrations, and discussions. There is opportunity for practice with other participants during private exchanges by phone with pre-determined partners during some of the calls and in between classes.
It is important for each participant to have copies of both Alchemical Healing and Power Animal Meditations, as they are the text books for this class. Planetary Healing is the third book in the trilogy, and is required for levels II and III. This exploration of the basics of Alchemical Healing includes the following topics:
- Introduction to Thoth and Fire Mist Shower Empowerment
- Opening of the hands and third eye
- Using your hands to feel a person's energy field
- Learn to feel states of health and dissonance
- X-ray Vision
- Learn safe techniques for clearing pain, trauma, illness & emotional blocks
- Work energetically with plants for healing
- Safely Access Spiritual Allies, Guides and Totems
- Distance Healing
- Forgiveness as an Alchemical Process
Register Online Here…
Click here to read what others have said about the Alchemical Healing Phone Bridge classes.

2025 Alchemical Healing Classes
Alchemical Healing
Levels I, II and III
with Nik Balogh
All classes are offered Online as well as in person in Southwold, Ontario, Canada
Alchemical Healing Level I
June 3, 4, 5 2022
Alchemical Healing Level II
September 30, October 2, 3 2022
Alchemical Healing Level III
December 2, 3, 4 2022
Registration Details here…
Alchemical Healing
Levels I, II and III
with Cheryl Aarts
All classes are offered in person at Willow Roots in London, Ontario, Canada
Alchemical Healing Level I
March 25 - 27th, 2022
Alchemical Healing Level II
July 15 - 17th, 2022
Alchemical Healing Level III
Nov 25 - 27th, 2022
Registration Details here…
Alchemical Healing Levels I, II and III
with Deb Clarkin
Alchemical Healing Level I
June 5, 6 and 7, 2015
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Alchemical Healing level I
June 26, 27, and 28, 2015
Armstrong, British Columbia
Alchemical Healing Level II
August 14, 15, and 16, 2015
Armstrong, British Columbia
Alchemical Healing, Level III
November 3 - 5, 2017
Southwold, Ontario, Canada
For more details and registration contact Debbie at:
Jeya Aerenson and Dea Lisk are offering Alchemical Healing Level I in Eugene Oregon December 6th and 7th (Saturday and Sunday) For more information email: or call 541-686-1515 or 541-543-8832.
Sharlyn Hidalgo is offering a 5 week Alchemical Healing II Class in Seattle in February 2009. Dates are: Feb. 24 and March 3, 10, 17 and 24. Please email Sharlyn for further information on location and cost.
Liisa Korpela is offering Alchemical Healing classes in Eugene, Oregon. Level I held April 18 - 19 and Level II classes held May 9-10th. For more information contact Liisa at or call the office at 541-484-1099.
Charla Hermann Alchemical Healing classes offered at her center, Hawkwind, in Valley Head, Alabama. Nov. 8th & 9th Alchemical Intensive & Monthly Lodge. Contact: 256-635-63
About Alchemical Healing Classes
Alchemical Healing provides ways to weave spirit and matter, to develop communications between divinity and humanity, to retrieve knowledge, and to transform magical experience into wisdom in order to skillfully influence physical reality and achieve healing. It honors the accumulated wisdom of the Earth and humankind, both in written and oral traditions, and offers entry into the magical realms of intuition and limitless knowledge.
We will combine lectures with discussions, and I will provide demonstrations and initiations.Whether you are a beginner whose only exposure is the article or the book, or an old hat with a professional practice, this class will be of great value. After going over the basic principles of Alchemical Healing, we will access the Universal Life Force, connect with the elements, and learn techniques to mitigate or remove pain and disease.
Nicki's books, Alchemical Healing and Power Animal Meditations are used as text books for this class, and can be purchased online. Registered students can receive a 30% discount on either or all books when purchased together for the class, just add a note that you are a class participant and the discount will be applied when the order is processed.
Level One includes:
- Introduction to Thoth and Fire Mist Shower Empowerment
- Opening of the hands and third eye
- Using your hands to feel a person's energy field and distinguish states of health and dissonance
- X-ray Vision
- Learn safe techniques for clearing pain, trauma, illness & emotional blocks
- Work energetically with plants and animal totems for healing
- Safely Access and work with Spirit Allies, Guides and Totems
- Distance Healing
- Forgiveness as an Alchemical Processs
Level II includes:
- The Caduceus Initiation
- Deeper work with totems, guides and allies
- Wiring the hands and fingers to the five elements
- Protection and Shielding
- Healing with Elements
- Ethics of Healing
- Introduciton to Akasha (combination of initiations)
- Power of Commitment
- Practice, practice, practice
- Other Therapeutic Processes and potent healing techniques (according to available time)
Level III
In this seminar we delve more deeply into the use of Akasha in healing. We complete most of the major initiations in the Alchemical Healing book and begin to work with multiple and situational healings, DNA repair, intelligent evolution, and as many of the initiations and journeys from Planetary Healing as we can fit into our four sessions. It includes some very sophisticated techniques and is available only to those that have completed Levels I and II. Nicki teaches this class once each year, or when a sufficient number of students are prepared. Please check the schedule or call when you feel you are ready. There will be a Level IV that will delve more deeply into Planetary Healing as well as the new, unpublished, Alchemical Healing tools and techniques.
Egyptian Mysteries Retreat
Co-created and led by Normandi Ellis and Nicki Scully
Part 1: Consecrating a Communal Temple
August 21, Hillsboro, Oregon
Part 2: Thoth’s Egyptian Mystery School
August 22 - 26 in Eugene, Oregon
Online Registration Here…
Since we are mostly talking about Egypt related events, Normandi and I are doing our Egyptian Mystery School retreat differently this year. The first part will be the consecration of an Egyptian Star Temple in Portland on Sunday, August 21st fron 10am to 5pm, followed by our five day retreat at my home/center/ temple in Eugene from 5pm Monday, August 22 till Friday afternoon August 26. During the weekend workshop in Portland, we will activate the land that has been prepared in a sacred manner, using the tools and maps that Normandi and I have so meticulously researched and developed in our eighteen prior Egyptian mystery school retreats and seven journeys to Egypt together.
For the Egyptian Mysteries Retreat, we plan to do some of the work from The Union of Isis and Thoth: Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt, that we have not shared in past mystery schools, although we will not know the entire content of this retreat until we are given the information from Thoth, usually within a couple of weeks before the retreat begins. After all, it is a mystery for us, too, and if we knew we would probably try to figure out what we are supposed to do rather than let it happen spontaneously, which is how the mysteries have come to us in the past.
Each is a stand-alone event, however, you can also sign up to participate in both events as they will tie into each other.
Enter new portals into ancient teachings as we explore the ways in which ancient sacred texts provided the soul with a road map to deeper and fuller spiritual life on the physical, mental and spiritual planes. Learn how the ancients worked with natural laws that enhanced their abilities to create opportunities for magic to happen, and to further prepare us for the next stage of our evolutionary process.
Nicki and Normandi will guide participants into a deeper relationship with Isis, Thoth, and the Egyptian neteru family, through guided meditation, ritual, and discussion. Thoth, the lunar god of wisdom, magic, language, communications, healing, and science inscribed the 42 sacred texts that address these natural laws. He is not only the "teachers' teacher", he is also the principle of wisdom that the gods of Egypt call upon when they need guidance. The legacy of Thoth, found in The Emerald Tablets, implants the seed of wisdom found in many other spiritual systems, such as Tarot, Kabbalah, and the Western magical tradition.
Isis, who learned her magic from the lips of Thoth, embodies the great power of love and desire—the essence of all magic—that allowed her to raise her husband Osiris from the dead in order to conceive their son, Horus, the current ruling god of the Egyptian pantheon. She is known as handmaiden of the god, a healer, a spiritual leader, mother and magician. In later traditions, Isis is known as the Salve Regina archetype of the Great Mother.
Please note: there will be a limited number of partial scholarships available. Inquire with our office by email:
Sekhmet: In the Belly of the Goddess
7-day Egyptian Mysteries Class
May 20-26, 2015
Join Nicki Scully and Debbie Clarkin as you drink deeply of the nectar of the Goddess, and awaken to renewed life! Sekhmet's name means Power, the Mighty One. She is the feminine face of the sun, the Lady of Flame. During this time of planetary peril, she is calling for recognition and wishes to empower all who respond to her call. Known to all traditions, her myths and legends are as old as time. Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess of both destruction and healing is the feminine fire that transforms; she is also the quintessential compassionate healer. Sekhmet's name is resounding from the lips of men and women who are actively reclaiming their power.
"All of the journeys are so consciously written and with such precision that I have never had to stress out about where are we going?, what do I do next?, what did she mean by that?. Everything has just flowed in a natural progression. So, thank you for your knowledge, your level of awareness, your desire and ability to share and your ability to describe in a pictorial and experiential manner..." -Lina B. (From 2019 Sekhmet class)
For details about the intention of this class, see Nicki’s article “In the Belly of the Goddess” at
Online Registration
Sekhmet: Transformation In the Belly of the Goddess
Egyptian Mysteries Teleclass with Nicki Scully

You are invited to drink deeply of the nectar of the Goddess, and awaken to renewed life! Sekhmet’s name means Power, the Mighty One. She is the feminine face of the sun, the Lady of Flame. During this time of planetary peril, she is calling for recognition and wishes to empower all who respond to her call. Known to all traditions, her myths and legends are as old as time. Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess of both destruction and healing is the feminine fire that transforms; she is also the quintessential compassionate healer. Sekhmet’s name is resounding from the lips of men and women who are actively reclaiming their power.
Start the coming season with the fulfillment of a resolution that you make to change something of deep significance in your life. What do you need to transform? What habit pattern or pesky, seemingly unchangeable characteristic that has defied transformation do you want to offer into this powerful alchemical process?
Six classes:
September 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, and 27
(with a possible 7th on October 1)
Monday and Thursday evenings at 5:30pm Pacific (8:30pm Eastern)
If needed, the 7th class will be added at no extra charge. Pre-registration is required, and space is limited.
Workshop and Private Sessions with Nicki Scully
December 15 - 16, 2017
Nicki will be giving an in-person workshop at The Mystical Moon in Bonita Springs, Florida.
Workshop: December 15-16
Private Sessions and/or readings December 17-23
See Nicki’s article In The Belly of the Goddess for more information on Sekhmet.
Healing Our Ancestral Lines Tele/Web/Skype Seminar
with Nicki Scully

The first evening we will journey to the Cave of the Ancestors and connect with the shamans in this ancient cave. With their assistance, we will strengthen and reconnect the fragmented lines between ourselves and the old, wise ones whose strength, courage and tenacity have sustained life for our people so that we are here today.
The second evening we will go deeper, learning to heal the wounds and scars created from the many breaks in our historical, physical and spiritual lines, freeing up the energy and channels so that we can receive and send forward the power that will sustain us and the future. You will also learn how to work with these shamans for future healing for yourself and others.
For more information on the Cave of the Ancestors, visit the page on
Join our Online Class starting February 11!
Two 2 hour sessions, held from 6:00-7:30pm Pacific, 9:00-10:30pm Eastern: February 11 and 18
Pre-registration is required, and space is limited.
Sekhmet: Transformation in The Belly of The Goddess
seminar and book launch with Nicki Scully
Workshop June 2nd, 3rd & 4th, 2017 at Sophia Goddess Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
This seminar Includes 2 Teleconferences with Nicki following the event (time and date TBA)
Nicki's New Book, Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess included in tuition.
Register Online
Sekhmet’s name means “power,” or “mighty one.” She is the feminine face of the sun, and the archetypal principle that is called upon when Ma’at, both the goddess and concept of truth, balance, justice and cosmic natural law, is forgotten and defiled. Sekhmet, in her aspect as guardian of Ma’at, incarnates in all of us who recognize the need to bring the world back into balance, for we are all living in service to Ma’at. It is the intention of this work that in our transformation we learn a gentler, kinder and faster way than the one described in Sekhmet’s (mostly misinterpreted) legend.
In this workshop, we will begin the alchemical process that is the substance of Nicki’s new book, Sekhmet, Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess. If you feel so moved, it would be helpful to start preparing before the class begins. Consider what in yourself you’d like to transform at this time. The aim of this class is to find and transform any characteristics, qualities, weaknesses, pain, illness, or other limiting factors that keep you from achieving your highest potential in this life. The alchemical process that you will engage in during and complete after the workshop will transform your most deeply ingrained negative habit patterns, including your inherent rage at people’s inhumanity to one another and disrespect of the planet. You will experience directly the entire alchemical process while your offering is safely gestating in the belly of Sekhmet.
The alchemical gold, the universal medicine that is the result of your commitment and attention to the work at hand, is the transformation and healing that you will receive at many levels—physical, emotional, spiritual and soul. Sekhmet’s teachings include powerful internal transformation and shamanistic healing attunements and techniques through which you become a fully realized, adult child of the Goddess, self-confident, fully in your power, and strong and clear in everything you do.
Please join us at the Sophia Center for Goddess Study – Friday, June 2, 2017, at 7PM for an introduction that includes at least one initiation from the book. Attendance is required for anyone who wishes to participate in the rest of the workshop, but all who are interested are welcome. For those that want to meet Nicki and get a better feel before making a commitment, there will be a love offering requested, however you will need to have the twine with you in the event you decide to join. The book is required reading for those who commit, and the cost of the book is included in the workshop fee. We will have copies at Sophia Center and on as soon as it is available to us, despite the release date you will see if you look at Amazon. We should have it by June 1st at the latest.
Your commitment to this work, as we will be unable to complete the entire process during your weekend with Nicki, will include at least two tele/web conferences during the following weeks, so that Nicki will be able to support you as you complete the work.
We are excited to be able to share this powerful seminar with you at this time.
- June 2nd, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. “Book Signing – Introduction to the “Sekhmet Workshop” at Sophia Center.
Fee: Love Offering for anyone not pre-registered for the Sekhmet Workshop and Light Refreshments* will be served; The Book will be on sale for anyone who is not interested in attending the workshop. The Book is included in the pre-registration / registration Fee for workshop attendees. - June 3rd, 1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. “Sekhmet Workshop” At Sophia Center
- June 3rd, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Break for Dinner and travel to the Sekhmet Temple – on their own.
- June 3rd, 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. “Sekhmet Ritual” at the Sekhmet Temple”
- June 4th, 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. “Sekhmet Workshop” at Sophia Center
- June 4th, 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. “Box Lunch & Beverages”* at Sophia Center (We discussed this and decided that we will make sure that we have a variety available.)
- June 4th, 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. “Sekhmet Workshop” at Sophia Center
Special Tuition Price of $150 if you reguster before May 17!
After the 17th it will be $200
Register Online

Making Spirit Medicine
Tele/web/Skype Seminar
Tuesdays, January 17, 24, 31, and February 7, 5:30PM Pacific (8:30PM Eastern)
All classes will be recorded.
Tuition: $180
This new four session, experiential class (1 ½ -2 ¼ hours each) is designed for anyone who is interested in healing themselves or others. It is based in the widely acclaimed healing arts form first published in my 2003 book, Alchemical Healing, A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine, and the four principles that are the foundation of that and any truly co-creative process, yet most of this material has not been published in any of my books.
History is full of evolving medicine, and Alchemical Healing, although it is far enough ahead of its time as to remain at the leading edge of alternative and energetic medicine, is no exception. It has been expanding and growing ever since it was published, and although much of the newer work was published in Planetary Healing, Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation, there is a constant stream of new techniques and methods that I have not had the opportunity to teach except during yearly retreats, and they keep on coming…
In this class we will connect through our hearts to create an intimate circle within which to practice our healing work, meet new allies and engage with old friends, and learn certain practices that I can only transfer in person, as I am not comfortable writing some of these techniques lest they be misconstrued or abused. Although some of this work is quite advanced, I have been assured that it is time to get it out into the world as quickly as possible, as we are requiring new and faster, more efficient tools as we face this most difficult time in history.
No longer do we have the luxury of evolution; it’s simply too slow. This course is aiming for a revolution in healing and spiritual medicine. Some of these new techniques can speed our transformation by restructuring our DNA.
Most of you are familiar with the elements and how much speed and precision in healing is gained when your hands are rewired to allow direct access to the five main elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Akasha (Spirit). Imagine how we can go deeper and faster with our healing using certain of the scientific table of elements.
Another direction that has evolved in my healing work is my connection with Medicine Buddha and Kuan Yin, both staunch healing allies accessible to everyone, yet who are coming forth to teach us directly new ways to heal people and make our medicines, including pharmaceuticals, more potent.
Time as a dimension is becoming more important as we learn to move backwards and forwards in time to retrieve information and healing, from future beings as well as our ancestors.
This class will include, as time permits:
- Medicine Buddha empowerment
- Including making pharmaceuticals and spirit medicines more potent
- Working with certain of the scientific Table of Elements
- New Animal Totem, Plane Spirit Medicine and Shape Shifting work
- Healing with ancestors and future beings (next level of the Cave of the Ancestors)
- Hathor, Sekhmet, Kuan Yin and Avalokitisvara empowerments
- Including learning to live in a natural state of joy and compassion
Register Online
Free Phone Bridge for Healing Cancer
Next Cancer Phone Bridge: (Date and Time to be Announced)
This cancer phone bridge is free and open to people who wish to be in support of those with cancer as well as those who are dealing directly with this ubiquitous disease. This bridge feels particularly powerful. It appears that both the numbers and the geographical expanse that phone bridge technology allows add to the potency and momentum of the healing ritual. Feel free to inform all those who would benefit from this journey, and we will try to accommodate them. The call lasts for one hour. For further information about this bridge, see some of our great feedback.
The Magical Bonds of Isis and Thoth: An Egyptian Egyptian Mysteries Retreat
Co-created and led by Normandi Ellis and Nicki Scully
September 11 - 15, 2014
Eugene, Oregon, at the Lyceum of Shamanic Egypt
at Nicki Scully's home/center/temple.
In September 2014 Nicki Scully and Normandi Ellis bring their annual Egyptian Mysteries experience back to Oregon. Enter new portals into ancient teachings as we explore the ways in which ancient sacred texts provided the soul with a road map to deeper and fuller spiritual life on the physical, mental and spiritual planes. Learn how the ancients worked with natural laws that enhanced their abilities to create opportunities for magic to happen, and to further prepare us for the next stage of our evolutionary process.
Nicki and Normandi will guide participants into a deeper relationship with Isis, Thoth, and the Egyptian neteru family, through guided meditation, ritual, and discussion. Thoth, the lunar god of wisdom, magic, language, communications, healing, and science inscribed the 42 sacred texts that address these natural laws. He is not only the "teachers' teacher", he is also the principle of wisdom that the gods of Egypt call upon when they need guidance. The legacy of Thoth, found in The Emerald Tablets, implants the seed of wisdom found in many other spiritual systems, such as Tarot, Kabbalah, and the Western magical tradition.
Isis, who learned her magic from the lips of Thoth, embodies the great power of love and desire—the essence of all magic—that allowed her to raise her husband Osiris from the dead in order to conceive their son, Horus, the current ruling god of the Egyptian pantheon. She is known as handmaiden of the god, a healer, a spiritual leader, mother and magician. In later traditions, Isis is known as the Salve Regina archetype of the Great Mother.
This retreat is being held at the Lyceum of Shamanic Egypt, Nicki’s lovely home center in Eugene, Oregon. The pro-rated cost of this retreat, including most meals and basic indoor accommodations, tipi or tent space, is $988 if you register before July 31st. After August 1st, the price is $1,188. You may secure your space with a non-refundable $300 deposit.
Please note: there will be a limited number of partial scholarships available. Inquire with our office by email:
In 2002, Normandi Ellis and I presented for the first time an Egyptian Mysteries retreat we called Becoming the Oracle, based on work that my husband Mark Hallert and I initially visioned together. This spring, with the brilliant visioning of Gloria Taylor Brown, the next iteration of Becoming An Oracle was published in a seven CD audio program (Sounds True, May, 2009). Please see our beautiful new website,, for a taste of this new program and a sample journey. During this year's Mystery School Retreat, we will enter into the odyssey of the oracle as we explore the relevance of ancient oracular technology in today's world.
Our Becoming an Oracle Retreat is more than a workshop— it is a pilgrimage during which we will explore ancient and modern oracular technology, with particular focus on ceremonies and initiations that heighten your intuitive senses and bring you into alignment with truth, harmony and your inherent divinity. As you discover your innate oracular abilities, you will learn to find answers to life’s challenges for yourself, for others, and for the Earth. During this unique spiritual adventure you will receive initiations into a number of oracular traditions, and begin to familiarize yourself with divination tools such as runes, tarot, palmistry, crystal gazing and scrying. We begin and end in Egypt, and in between we will visit cultures from the audio program, and others that we were unable to fit into the published course. The Anubis Oracle (written by Nicki and Linda Star Wolf, and illustrated by Kris Waldherr), will be one of the primary oracular tools that we will consult and learn about during this retreat. The Anubis Oracle introduces us to the archetypal deities and elemental spirits from the Egyptian pantheon that have come forward to assist us on our journey of transformation and renewal.
The retreat will be held at the Lyceum of Shamanic Egypt, the healing center maintained at Nicki's home, a magical sanctuary in the hills on the edge of Eugene, Oregon. The retreat begins the evening of August 19 and continues through the evening of August 23.
The cost of this retreat, including meals and accommodations, is $788, but if you register before August 1, the tuition is only $688. Register online at Hathor's Mirror.
There are a limited number of partial scholarships available. Email to apply.
Gloria Taylor Brown has a wonderful new website where you can learn more about her and the great things she is doing. Please visit
We wish to create an ongoing continuing education program that unites the Egyptian Mysteries, Alchemical Healing, planetary healing and the new Oracle work, that we can present over the next two years. The 2009 Egyptian Mysteries Retreat will provide an in depth foundation in order for us to move forward with this program. We will post details of the extended Mystery School program in the near future.
To register for classes and retreats:
Registration and payment for paid classes is available on Hathor's Mirror. For classes given by other teachers, please contact the teacher directly.
Checks may be sent to: Shamanic Journeys, Ltd. PO Box 5025 Eugene, OR 97405
Email with a credit card for registration. A letter of receipt with directions and details for the class will be sent to you by e-mail. Feel free to call if you have any further questions. Please contact us for additional information on classes not listed on this page. If you are interested in hosting a class in your area, please let us know, as there are now a number of teachers prepared to travel and share this exciting work.
For a current schedule of events and seminars, go to our schedules page.
To learn more about our Alchemical Healing teachers, go to our staff page.
Click here to receive the Shamanic Journeys, Ltd. newsletter.
Hope to see you soon!