This page is updated regularly. For details or questions email the office at: office (at)

Current Schedule for
Nicki Scully:
(click titles for more information)
Private Anubis Oracle Readings, Alchemical Healing Sessions, and Mentoring Programs
Nicki is offering a special price on all hour and half-hour Private Sessions: details here…
Click here for more information.
January 8, 7pm
Book Signing
Downtown Book Bin
450 Court St. NE
Salem, Oregon
March 17 - 21
Nicki and Normandi in Las Vegas:
Thursday 1-8pm private sessions
Friday 6-10pm eveng social, presentation and book signing
Saturday 10-4pm private sessions
Sunday 10-5pm workshop on Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt
register here…
Wednesday, March 30
4:30-6:30pm Pacific time
Virtual Book Launch Party: The Union of Isis and Thoth
Join us for a free conference call.
Register online here…
Monday, April 4
6:00pm Pacific Time
Planetary Healing Call to Action
register here…
April 11, 14, 18, 21
5:30 - 7:30 pacific
Alchemical Healing Level I Phone Bridge Class
register here…
May 9, 12, 16, 19
5:30 - 7:30 pacific
Alchemical Healing Level II Phone Bridge Class
register here…
June 6, 9, 13, 16
5:30 - 7:30 pacific
Egyptian Mysteries Teleclass
register here…
Thursday, June 9
6:00pm Pacific Time
Planetary Healing Call to Action
register here…
June 17 - 19
2016 Women's Visionary Congress
registration and more info here…
July 8
Oregon Country Fair
Main Stage Opening Ceremony Friday morning and presentation Friday afternoon with Bruce Lipton, PhD
more info here…
Friday, July 15 6:00 – 6:30 pm
Friday Meet and Greet
with Bruce Lipton & Nicki Scully
Sponsored by East West Bookshop, Seattle, Washington
Friday, July 15 7:00 – 9:00 pm
An Evening with Bruce Lipton and Nicki Scully
Sponsored by East West Bookshop, Seattle, Washington
Saturday, July 16, 10:00 am - 5 pm
Workshop with Bruce Lipton and Nicki Scully: The Grand Convergence - Science Meets Shamanism - Beings of Energy – Bodies of Matter
Sponsored by East West Bookshop
Workshop will be held at the Center for Spiritual Living,
Seattle, Washington
More information here…
August 1 - 8
Personal and Planetary Healing Intensive Retreat
with Nicki Scully and Indigo Rønlov
Eugene, Oregon
19th Annual Egyptian Mysteries Retreat & Workshop
Part 1: August 21, Hillsboro, OR
Part 2: August 22-26, Eugene
with Normandi Ellis
More Info and Registration Here…
Monday September 19
5:30pm Pacific Time
Planetary Healing Call to Action
register here…
September 22, 27, 29, October 3, 6, 10
Sekhmet: Transformation In the Belly of the Goddess Teleclass with Nicki Scully
Register here…
Saturday, December 10
9:00am Pacific Time
Planetary Healing Call to Action
Web/Teleconference with Michael Stone and Nicki Scully
Register Here…
January 17, 24, 31, February 7
Making Spirit Medicine Teleclass with Nicki ScullyReigster Here…
February 18-20
Alchemical Healing Seminar with Nicki Scully
In Maple Ridge, British Columbia
Reigster Here…
February 15-16
Women of Wisdom Pre-conference Class with Nicki Scully and Normandi Ellis
Saturday, April 8
9am Pacific Time
Alchemical and Planetary Healing Call to Action
with Michael Stone and Nicki Scully
Register Here…
Tuesdays, April 11, 18, 25, and May 2
5:30 - 7:30 pacific
Alchemical Healing Level I tele/web/video class
register here…
Tuesdays, May 9, 16, 23, 30
5:30 - 7:30 pacific
Alchemical Healing Level II tele/web/video class
class is full
April 24 - May 5
Spirit Animal Free Telesummit
Register here…
May 26
Exploring Psychedelics Conference
Southern Oregon University
June 2nd, 3rd & 4th
Sekhmet: Transformation in The Belly of The Goddess
seminar and book launch
Sophia Goddess Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
June 10
COSM Full Moon Workshop: Egyptian Mysteries with Nicki Skully
Event Registration…
June 23
Eugene Book Launch party at Tsunami Books
Snacks, Presentation with Initiation and Book-signing, 6:30 PM
July 17
Bruce Lipton and Nicki at Ananda Temple
Talk, book signing and workshop in Palo Alto, CA
sponsored by EastWest Books Mt. View
July 21, 22
Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess Presentation and Booksigning with Saturday, July 22 Workshop
Shamanic Egyptian Healing with Sekhmet and Alchemical Healing at East West Bookshop, Seattle
July 25 - 27
Shamanism Global Summit
hosted by Michael Stone and presented by the Shift Network
register online here…
Tuesday, August 8,
4-6pm Pacific
Virtual Book Launch for Sekhmet, Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess
Free online event. Register Here…
August 25 - 27
New England Women's Herbal Conference
A special intensive, plus two other workshops with Nicki
Camp Wicosuta, New Hampshire
September 7, 11, 14, 18
5:30 - 7:30 pacific
Alchemical Healing Level I Phone Bridge Class
register here…
September 22 - 24
Sekhmet, Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess
This workshop is a gift at a private home on Dwight Lake, Ontario, Canada. Tuition and lunches and dinners are free (you are responsible for your transportation and accommodations. Shuttles will be provided to and from some hotels and the Toronto airport). This retreat is full, however there is a waiting list in the event that some participants can’t make it. There will be a pre-class conference call for preparation and a post class support call for all who participate.
Sep. 28, Oct. 2, 5, 12
5:30 - 7:30 pacific
Alchemical Healing Level II Phone Bridge Class
register here…
Tuesday, October 3, 6-8pm
Presentation and booksigning.
The Sacred Well, Oakland, California
Wednesday, October 4, 7pm
Presentation on Shamanic Egypt, including meeting the neteru, the deities of Egypt.
East West Bookshop, Mt. View, California
October 6 - 9
Fellowship of Isis Convocation
I will be part of the opening ceremony, giving a presentation on Sekhmet that includes an initiation from the book, and more…
Isis Oasis, Geyserville, California
November 6, 9, 13, 16
5:30 - 7:30 pacific
Alchemical Healing Level III Phone Bridge Class
register here…
December 15-23
Workshop: December 15-16
Private Sessions and/or readings December 17-23
The Mystical Moon
8951 Bonita Beach Rd SE #255
Bonita Springs, Florida
For details and to register, call Stephanie at The Mystical Moon, (239) 301-0655
January 22, 25, 29, February 1, 5, and 8
5:30pm Pacific (8:30pm Eastern)
Sekhmet: Transformation In the Belly of the Goddess Video Teleclass with Nicki Scully
Register here…
February 27-March 7
Sounds True's The Power of Shamanism Summit
March 16 - 18
Alchemical Healing Level I with Nicki Scully
The Mystical Moon, Bonita Springs, Florida
Friday March 16 5:30-9PM, Saturday, March 17th 9:30AM-6PM, and Sunday, March 18th 9:30-4
Call The Mystical Moon at (239) 301-0655 for more information and to register.
Wednesday, February 21, 5pm Pacific
Embracing Uncertainty~ Opening to Infinite Possibility
hosted by Michael Stone and Mel Schwartz
register online here…
Series Starting February 21
Create Don't Wait
Free Online Event with Marcelle Voomz
register online here…
February 26 - March 7
Power of Shamanism Free Online Summit
presented by SoundsTrue
register online here…
May 1-9
Discover the World of Visionary shamanism
Free Online Summit with Lorna Liana
Nicki's interview is May 2 at 1PM Pacific/ 4 PM Eastern
register online here…
Tuesday May 15
6pm – 7pm Pacific Time
Alchemical and Planetary Healing Call to Action
with Nicki Scully
Register Here…
September 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, and 27
5:30pm Pacific (8:30pm Eastern)
Sekhmet: Transformation In the Belly of the Goddess Video Teleclass with Nicki Scully
Register here…
Wednesday, October 17 5:30 pm
Discover Egyptian Shamanism: Awakening the Deities Hathor, Sekhmet, Isis & Thoth Within You
Register for this free video event here…
November 1 to December 20
Discover Egyptian Shamanism: Awakening the Deities Hathor, Sekhmet, Isis & Thoth Within You
Seven-module weekly teaching series.
Register for the free intro event here…
Saturday, Feb 2
10:30am - 11:30am Pacific Time
Free Planetary Healing Call to Action
with Nicki Scully
Register Here…
February 9, 16, 23, March 2, 9, 16
10:30am - 12:00 Pacific (1:30pm Eastern)
Sekhmet: Transformation In the Belly of the Goddess Video Teleclass with Nicki Scully
Details and registration here…
August 1, 12pm Pacific Time
Free Live Q & A session with Nicki on Facebook
This is a free pre-event for Nicki's Shift Network Egyptian Shamanic Alchemy class.
Thursdays from August 8-September 19, 12pm Pacific Time
Shift Network Course: Egyptian Shamanic Alchemy
Please use this link for more information and to register:
November 5, 12, 19, 26, December 3 & 10
11am — 1pm Pacific
The Union of Isis and Thoth, Magic and Initiatory Practices from Ancient Egypt Video Teleclas
with Nicki Scully and Normandi Ellis
Details and registration here…
November 16-17
Global Spiritual Awakening Conference
I will be speaking about the relevance of ancient Egyptian wisdom and especially the goddess, Sekhmet, in our current time, and providing a journey/initiation from Sekhmet.
Saturday, December 21
11:00am – 12:30pm Pacific Time
Free Planetary Healing Call to Action
with Nicki Scully and Mark Hallert
Register Here…
For more information about Nicki and other teachers sharing related work, see our staff page. For details about workshop content, see our classes page.
Indigo Rønlov
Alchemical Healing Teacher and Practitioner in the Eugene, Oregon area.
Indigo's website is Visi her site for all Indigo's latest news, sacred travel to Egypt and more...
Alchemical Healing Levels I and II
Alchemical Healing Level I
April 5-7, 2019
in Essex, UK, near London.
For details and to register:
Alchemical Healing Level II
June 8-10, 2018
Friday: 6pm-9pm / Saturday: 9:30am-9:30pm / Sunday: 10am-8pm
Registration details can be found on Indigo's classes page.
Egyptian Mysteries Pilgrimages in 2019 and 2020
Mysteries of Egypt, LLC has many opportunities to travel to the sacred land of Egypt with Indigo Ronlov in 2019 and 2020.
For more information, pease visit and/or
October 11-25, 2019
Egyptian Mysteries: The Wisdom of the Neteru
with Indigo Rønlov
Spring 2020
Egyptian Mysteries
with Indigo Rønlov & Normandi Ellis
February 22 - March 7, 2018
Egypt—Off the Beaten Path: Through the Layers of Time
With Normandi Ellis and Indigo Rønlov
Sold Out: Waiting List Only
March 8 – 21, 2018
An Egyptian Mysteries Pilgrimage: The Wisdom of the Neteru
With Debbie Clarkin and Indigo Rønlov
Normandi Ellis
is the author of five books on ancient Egypt and leads trips into Egypt with Nicki Scully.
Normandi's Events
September 12, 2015
The Way of the Phoenix: Ascension & Soul Progression
Ramada Plaza Hotel
3333 28th Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI
September 18, 2015
Clairvoyant Circle — Clayton OH
Mountaintop Bookstore
6967 Salem Pike
Clayton, OH
September 19, 2015
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
The Center for Intuitive Guidance
1:00 PM until 3:30 PM
October 1, 2015
Medju Neter: The Oracular Use of Egyptian Hieroglyphs
Sometimes translated as “The Word of God” Medju Neter meant the sacred texts used by ancient priests and priestesses. Because their language was mythopoetic, phonetic, and symbolic, hieroglyphs were used as oracles.
Life Force Arts Center
1609 W Belmont Ave Chicago IL
7-10 pm
For more info: 773-327-7224 or
October 2, 2015
Shamanic Initiations in the Pyramids
The Lighthouse Gathering Center
26 N Park Ave Lombard, IL
Info: Marge Panter 630-415-5842
October 3, 2015
Hieroglyphic Thinking: The Symbolic & the Real
Hieroglyphs were the language and body of gods used to construct realities. We will how heka became the magical consciousness of priests, dreamers and sorcerers.
The Lighthouse Gathering Center
26 N Park Ave Lombard, IL
Info: Marge Panter 630-415-5842
October 3, 2015
The Form of Spirit and the Spirit of Form
This workshop synthesizes the Nine Spiritual Bodies of the Ancient Egyptians, the Qabala and the way in which the ancient healer/shaman understood that all form is vibration. Learn how each subtle body influences our lives.
The Lighthouse Gathering Center
26 N Park Ave Lombard, IL
1-4 pm
Info: Marge Panter 630-415-5842
October 10, 2015
Osiris: The Christ Consciousness of Ancient Egypt
Keynote for Spiritual Unity of Nations Conference.
February 22 - March 7, 2018
Egypt—Off the Beaten Path: Through the Layers of Time
With Normandi Ellis and Indigo Rønlov
Sold Out: Waiting List Only
Dates TBA in 2014
Astral Temples and Dream Time in Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt was a magical culture steeped in practical spirituality—what moderns may understand as metaphysics, or the science of spiritual unfoldment.This online class offers an ancient Egyptian perspective on dreams and tapping into the various levels of consciousness beyond ordinary perceptions of reality.
By delving into inner and outer planes of existence, including the Akhet and Duat, Normandi parses out the difference between states of awareness (shadow and light) and what has been erroneously defined as heaven and hell. In exploring the nine spiritual bodies articulated in her book Dream of Isis, she shows how these astral bodies operate in dreams, altered states, shamanic flight, spirit communication and astral congress.
Tuition will be $125 for this online class.
February - November 2014
Sacred Living Workshops--Exploring Natural Law and Magic
Every 4th Sunday of the Month
3 - 4:30pm Central, 1:00 - 2:30pm Pacific
Each of these workshops provides you with lessons in sacred and energized living for the coming month. A year-long program based on the study of natural law, what the ancient deemed the power of the Mind, Heart and Will to affect matter. Register early for each class. In this on-class we will begin with a centering poem and engage in some writing through poetry prompts to help us focus our energy on the topic. Discussions and exercises on line, then after sharing, you will receive affirmations, exercises to continue to practice at home.
Tuition will be $245 for this online class. Register online.
Contact Normandi:
Phone: 541-525-9339
Alchemical Healing Teachers and Staff
Classes and Events:
Mz. imani
Presenting drum and dance circles, Alchemical Healing in Eugene, Oregon
Mz. imani's Classes:
Singing Devotion…
Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm: Jan 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th, 2011
Join Mz. imani in exploring group singing, by learning chants that are from the Sacred All Night Fire Circle community. As she shares her own process on how to write chants and sing to the moment, she will offer perspective and encouragement in your own chant writing.
Singing Devotion is a month long class and is open to all people who are interested in exploring the shamanic gift that resides within the sound of our collective voice.
Drumming From Our Souls
Wednesdays 8-9:30pm: Jan 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th, 2011
Drumming From Our Souls is Mz. imani’s basic drum class and will help you to access the healing and unifying potency of the drum. Designed to give you tools to dig deeper into the knowledge of the drum, this is an all levels class that is geared towards awakening the rhythm and wisdom of the soul.
Goals include helping you to listen and learn with “a new set of ears” by exploring perspectives and practical drumming skills. Particularly in relationship to playing in/for community drum circles and rituals. If you are called to witness and explore the sacred nature of drumming these classes will help you as an individual drummer and help us grow as a collective.
Contact Mz. imani for more info and registration
Phone: 301-461-3214
Debbie Clarkin
Gives Alchemical Healing classes in Canada.
March 8 – 21, 2018
An Egyptian Mysteries Pilgrimage:
The Wisdom of the Neteru
with Indigo Rønlov
Sekhmet: Egyptian Mysteries Retreat
Join Sehkmet and Debbie Clarkin for an Alchemical journey of introspection, transformation and healing, drink deeply of the nectar of the Goddess and awaken to renewed life!
July 23 to 30th, 2016
Southwold, Ontario, Canada
For more information see to register contact Debbie at
Alchemical Healing Level I
June 5, 6 and 7, 2015
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Alchemical Healing level I
June 26, 27, and 28, 2015
Armstrong, British Columbia
Alchemical Healing Level II
August 14, 15, and 16, 2015
Armstrong, British Columbia
Alchemical Healing, Level III
November 3 - 5, 2017
Southwold, Ontario, Canada
Online Registration
Alchemical Healing levels I and II
Near Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia
October 18 to 24, 2019
Alchemical Healing Intensive 9 day retreat
Brunswick Heads, NSW, Australia
May 31 to June 8, 2014
For more details contact Debbie at:
Nicole Balogh
Providing Alchemical Healing Classes and sessions in the Southwold, Ontario area.
Alchemical Healing Classes
Fri Feb 21st, Sat Feb 22nd & Sun Feb 23rd 2020
Alchemical Healing Level I
There are a few spots still open if you are called to experience the magic of this healing art form… and some accommodations available as well.
Fri Apr 24th, Sat Apr 25th & Sun Apr 26th 2020
Alchemical Healing Level II
Fri Nov 1st, Sat Nov 2nd & Sun Nov 2nd 2019
Alchemical Healing Level III
Registration Details here…
Phone: 519.777.9400
Dea Lisk
Providing Alchemical Healing Classes and sessions in the Eugene, Oregon area.
Dea's Events:
Positive Mind
Grateful Heart Series
December 3rd - 17th
January 7th - February 3rd
Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00
This 8 week series is designed to:
- Support you in releasing old, habituated negative thinking
- Give you step by step techniques to transform negative thoughts into neutral or positive ones Initiate and maintain gratitude thinking and feeling
- Generate thoughts that allow you to frequently connect with your dreams
- Practice heart breathing
One-day Alchemical Healing class exploring the sacred element of Earth with Indigo Rønlov
Alchemical Healing Level 1
February 9-10 & 13
with indigo in Eugene
A Transformation Wellness Healing Retreat in Hawaii with Dea Lisk
April 14th ~ 22, 2012
October 6 & 13
Reiki Levels 1 & 2
in Eugene
February 9-10 & 13
Alchemical Healing Level I
with indigo in Eugene
Phone: 541-543-8832
Kalita Todd
Alchemical Healing Level I Energetic Healing from Ancient Egypt with Kalita Todd
Weekend Course: Friday March 22nd ~ Sunday 24th Five Consecutive Wednesdays ~ March 20th thru April 17th
Discover an ancient healing form that is practical and applicable in today's world for physical & emotional healing, as well as therapeutic counseling. This is a transformative experience which enhances all other healing modalities. As you learn to assist others in their healing, you will find that you will be healing and balancing yourself.
The course includes:
- Accessing Universal Life Force
- Opening of the hands & third eye
- Chakra purification & opening
- Forgiveness as a cleansing process
- Healing with elements, animals, plants & minerals
- Distance Healing
- Initiation of the Caduceus Empowerment
- Life Skills for these times
Location: Grass Valley, CA
Registration: $165 by March 15th - $200 after
Kalita Todd 530/272-8392 -
April Miranda 530/277-6210 -
Contact Kalita at, or call (530)913-5480
Gloria Taylor Brown
Gloria's Events:
- April 9 Full Moon Celebration with Kathryn Ravenwood
- April 16 A Voice for Spirit
- April 21 Remembering the Body Divine Preview with Normandi Ellis
- May 9 Full Moon Celebration Webcast with Kathryn Ravenwood
- May 20 Intro to Egyptian Mysteries Phone conference with Nicki Scully.
- May 19, 26, June 16, 23, 30 Shamanism 101
- June 17th A Voice for Spirit
- June 26, 27, 28 Exploring Life between Lives
- July 14, 28, June 4 Beyond the Stargate Level 1
- July 24 A Voice For Spirit Free Evening Event
- July 25 Becoming an Oracle Workshop
- Oct 13-27 A Special Tour of Egypt for Writers, Would-be Writers and Egyptophiles: Re-membering the Body Divine with Normandi Ellis
- April 14 A voice for Spirit Free Broadcast
April 14th, 6:00-7:00 PM PDT-- Dial in at: 305-908-8631 the PIN is 263626# - April 18 Introduction to Alchemical Healing Workshop in San Diego
- April 24 - 25 Alchemical Healing Workshop in San Diego
- November 21-Dec. 5 Gratitude Tour of Egypt with Piliaka Peter
Cell: 760.576.1760
Office: 352.528.0658
Jeya Aerenson
Providing Alchemical Healing Classes and sessions in the Eugene, Oregon area.
Phone: 541-686-1515 or 541-543-8832
Dr. Charla Hermann D-min
Gram Charla Hermann at HAWKWIND HEALING CENTER in Valley Head lAabama, will continue or her 25th year to teach the Alchemcial Healing techniques. As one of the founding member of the lineage of Thoth, Charla has carried this work with her Medicine tools as she has taught and trained young healers around the world.
The 2019 series will begin January 19th and take place on the 3rd Saturday of every month.
Please check our Facebook Events page for updates of work in THE TEMPLE OF TRANSFORMATION, a pyramid bio-engineered to provide a maximum energy experience.
Phone: (256) 605-6353
Sharlyn Hidalgo
Sharlyn's Events:
- June 18 Introductory Evening to Alchemical Healing at East/West Bookshop, Seattle, Washington, 7pm
- June 29 Alchemical Healing 5-week class, Wednesdays, 7pm - 9:30pm (June 29, July 6, 13, 20, and 27)
- July 16 - 17 Alchemical Healing weekend workshop. Seattle.
- August 2 Alchemical Healing Level II class, Tuesdays, 7pm - 9:30pm. Seattle. (August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30)
- August 20 - 21 Alchemical Healing Level II weekend class, 10am - 6pm. Seattle.
Ongoing classes in Alchemical Healing I and II taught in Seattle, Washington.
Phone: 206-525-5014
Kathryn Ravenwood (Raven)
Alchemical Healing classes offered in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Raven's Events:
- April 24 6-7:00 pm FREE intro to the Minor Arcana of the Tarot, Albuquerque
- April 25 12-4:30 The Minor Arcana of the Tarot: A Detailed Study of the Minor Arcana Cards
- May 8 6-7:00 pm FREE Intro the the Court Cards of the Tarot
- May 9 12-4:30 pm The Court Cards of the Tarot: Who Are These People and What Are They Doing in My Reading?
- May 9 Full Moon Celebration Webcast with Gloria Taylor Brown
- May 29 6-7:00 pm FREE Intro on Reading the Tarot
- May 30 12-4:30 Reading the Tarot: Understanding Throws, Readings and Care and Feeding of the Cards
For more information on Kathryn Ravenwood's classes, or to be put on her mailing list, email
For more information or to register for this tour: E-Mail us at
Or contact: Shamanic Journeys, Ltd. PO Box 5025, Eugene, OR 97405 (541) 484-1099 Fax (541) 686-5960