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Testimonials for the Bridge for Healing Cancer

Our Bridge for Healing Cancer program presents phone bridge rituals conducted by Nicki Scully to heal and transform cancer lasted for eight years. Whether you have cancer or want to assist and support those who are suffering from cancer, you are welcome to join our bridge through the recordings that were done for some of the bridges that are posted here...

During those eight years, between 2005 and 2012, up to sixty participants met by telephone for each bridge to practice an Alchemical Healing process during which we join together to create a vessel in the shape of a parabola. From this form, which is similar to a satellite dish, we received potent healing energies and also transmit cancer cells outward in a safe and effective way.

Once you have learned the techniques involved by participating through listening to one of the recordings, you can work on your own and tap into the etheric structure we have created as a collective. Some recordings of previously held Bridges for Healing Cancer are available for listening on our podcasts page.

Please see the comprehensive article/review by Otis Bass on our articles page.

Following are a few excerpts from feedback from participants on some of the Bridge for Healing Cancer sessions:

Hi Nicki,
I wrote this testimony of your bridges and wanted you to know how I feel as well. I so appreciate that you are sharing your gifts in this way: “Dear Sister, I was nudged today to let you know of a Teleconference Cancer Healing Bridge I’ve been participating with for the last six months facilitated by Nicki Scully. There is a powerful sacred space that is alive and available for you to tap into via intention (and through the recordings that are on this site.) . . .. . This first article gives you some of the details and a personal account of the basic structure of the healing “parabola” structure that is a living, growing creation to assist Cancer cells to move on to another dimension with love and gratitude. And after that is more info on the cancer bridge. I know there are so many opportunities for healing coming to you. Nicki’s (and the Group) compassion and love is amazing. She brings her heart, soul and empathy as a breast cancer survivor to the process and feels like one of your best friends/sister supporting you and others with “cutting edge” guidance as she opens up to source to facilitate an the moment experience. I appreciate Nicki and her husband Mark (who is also an equal member of the team) and all who join in to support. I am grateful I can share it with you and others as an option for self empowerment during these extreme shifting times. I’m getting wordy…cause I just can’t put what I feel in words now. Just feel…and breathe and know how much you are loved.“ With Love and Blessings, Kat

…By working with cancer cells in this way, I believe we are also addressing the prevention of cancer …in places where they are laying dormant just waiting for fertile ground!!! Anita B


Dear Nicki,

Just want to thank you for the last cancer bridge - wonderful stuff. This is the third one I have listened to [ I missed the one before this]. They have all been wonderful and each different in subtle ways, as you use somewhat different language and different images each time. The first one I listened to, I found myself being very vocal in my responses - possibly because most of the ideas you were talking about were completely new to me. The second one was a deeply peaceful experience and pretty non-verbal; this one I was up and moving, "shaking off" the cancer easily; held in the center of the parabola, I experienced a joyful state of being completely healed, if not cured. Anyway, just to give you that feedback, as I listen via the internet and not by phone.

I can't thank you enough for doing this work.
Sharon, July 5, 2008

THANK YOU! I participated in your last session. Since that time, my energy and stamina is actually back to pre-chemo levels. I don't feel sick at all. I also have a strong sense that I am healed and cancer free.

My doctor won't do a PET scan until I receive my 8th chemo. I'll be at chemo treatment #6 on Monday Oct 15th. When he does the PET Scan the week of Nov 19th, I know he will not see the cancer because it is gone. Then he will scratch his head and ponder what to do next because he told me I needed at least 12 chemo treatments. I can't wait to see the look of astonishment on his face:)

Thank you so much for sharing your gift with me and others like me.

Sincerely, Deb Weiler

Hi Nicki,

Your guidance on the bridge today was spectacular. God bless you for bringing this powerful, wonderful healing to the universe. I'm still vibrating. I've been a supporter for over a year. Each time I not only feel the upward movement of the cells in a whirpool, but can see it spiralling up and out as well, usually in white. This was the first time that I saw other colours-a lot of orange and purple.My heart was so filled with love and compassion(thanks to you), as I was not only supporting those in the center, but had five precious friends this time that I visualized in the center. I know that they are improving because of this.

Thank you for everyone that gets healed,energized, or just supported by this work. I'm so grateful to you for bringing Alchemical healing into my life. Have a meaningful, wonderful trip. Wish I could join you.

Love and light, Trish from Montreal, Quebec

Good Day! I would like to pass on some comments to Nicki from my experience in the Cancer Phone Bridge on Nov 9th, 2006. I am living in Prince Edward Island, in Atlantic Canada. It was my first time participating in this bridge and I feel very blessed to have been able to be a part of it. I think it's awesome that you're providing the space for this to happen. I will definitely be a regular part of your support group going forward! A few things I wanted to mention were: 1. During the part when we extended an invitation to the cancer cells to migrate to the centre of the Parabola, my hands started to move in circular patterns (right moving counter clockwise, left moving clockwise). The speed of my hands varied from slow to very fast and the size of the circles fluctuated. 2. At one point, Nicki mentioned the various geographical locations that she was feeling the influx of cancer cells from and when she mentioned my neighboring province, Nova Scotia, I started to verbally call out to the cancer cells and to send them my love and gratitude. When I did this, I noticed that the energy increased and my hand movements changed from moving in circles to sweeping upward and drawing downward (like I was ushering them into the Parabola). 3. I had a strong sense of the circle we formed hovering over the Earth and the people sitting in the centre. Thanks so much for your help. Blessings, Love and Light, H

Nicki- Thank you for organizing and leading the cancer bridge. It was wonderful for me to feel the healing energies directly with others. I don't know if you are interested in the journeys of individuals, but I am compelled to tell you, so I figure there must be something our guides want you to have or pass on. My husband, Erik, developed acities (fluid in the abdomen) over this summer and was told he had cancer in August. Adding to that devastation was a blood clot, a fuzzy diagnosis of "some kind of rare cancer", and a doctor who said we could try some treatments, but we should "get our affairs in order." The direness and hopelessness presented to us were clear signs to look to the universe for directions. We had to let go of fear and face the other way. Suddenly we were surrounded by signs and our lives made sense. My two closest friends (moon sisters) are an herbalist and organic farmer. They immediately provided a bounty of resources and gifts. I had just started a wonderfully supportive and flexible job, where I was learning how to manage energy to change schools through professional communities. I am blessed to know Janice , who is incredible, and referred me to you. Past challenges of our lives had obviously made us strong enough to survive this. So, we asked everyone we knew to put out positive energy and join us in the belief that Erik could be healthy, happy and cancer free. So, we began to follow the signs. An incredible network of supporters seemed to blossom like the lotus. A team helped us complete a household project. Our freezer filled with food. Money was donated. A colleague made a website, so we could make sure everyone was connected. Erik was included in numerous healing circles and prayer circles. We watched "What the Bleep do we Know; Down the Rabbit Hole" many times. We were presented with many alternative treatments, including Dial's molecular enhancer. We were led to a cancer survivor who referred us to a doctor at the John Wayne Cancer Institute in California. They agreed to take Erik as a patient. We went to California, where they performed CT/PET scans and said that in the six weeks there had been no progression of the cancer. The doctors decided to operate. At the end of a six hour surgery, Dr. Foshag plunked down next to me on the couch and said the best thing that could happen, happened. The cancer was almost entirely isolated in the omentum and kidney, which were removed. A little cancer was found in the peritoneum, but it was scraped away and there was no deep tissue invasion. And, no lymph nodes needed to be removed. This was October 11. So, a month later, the specialists are still studying the cancer cells (so far, it is still elusive) and other oncologists are trying different chemo treatments on the tumor material. Erik has so little cancer in his body, that he shows no marker signs. We know that our cancer journey still has chapters, but so does the rest of our lives, and we have time! And, you know what everyone keeps saying? "I can't believe that Erik is OK!" My message to everyone is believe, believe, believe! Believe in the ability of positive energy to help you along in your journey. Believe in the signs! What you need will be presented to you. Erik's story is documented on We feel it is important that we share what we have and continue to learn from others. Thank you for the important part you are playing in our journey. Karen

Hi Nicki,

I wasn't able to speak last night at the end of the session as I was overwhelmed by the power, the emotions of the whole process. How beautiful of you to share your time and your gifts to help heal others and spin an ever growing web that is spreading love/healing throughout the world. I felt the cancer cells spiralling to the North Pole and out and beyond. My tears last night were of deep gratitude not only for those being healed but also for all the supporters like myself who benefited each in our own way. So looking forward to joining this miraculous circle for my second time. Bless you and thank you, Nicki. Love and light, Trish

Just a simple big giant thank you- I put into this circle many people one of them from austarlia is reported clean of cells now the other one in amsterdam is feeling better today this was very powerfull and I still under the uphoria that filled me doing this. One litle trick I have learned from the "others" is putting my left hand on my heart and my right one on theirs I find it strongly afficiant my friends report strength of the treatment very clearly and want always to ask what did i do to them - lol. this trick arrived to me right from the outside in a very powerfull session . Talk about the Egyptian mysteries my friend in Amsterdam couldnt make it to the phone so she just set meditating over there waiting to hear from me after we done its amazing what she told me: she was sitting on the point of one of the pyramids and saw the process from above like - she didnt hear from me about the process of the new body form but she saw something or someone (she couldnt know for sure) doing that process downstairs in the pyramide she specifically described the new forms that were there standing fresh ready to wake up. You are amazing Nicki and your book is a very very strong guide for me . I will, if you dont mind, use the body creation in other places and promise to report the changes. More then that I would like to tell you all that new light is coming we are getting help from outside and we shall soon start to experience more and more of that healing . As I understood the cry for help and the suffering were so big that we are getting and emergancy help constantly since there is no more time for wake up process and our universe is right in the peek of the changing transformation that can explain how the circles are empowered. I have a team of being doing healing with me and they are all very very happy to meet all of us. Be blessed keep it going. Thank you, Inbal

Dear Nicki,

I was just a part of the phone bridge and want to thank you so much. I saw you in Vancouver in August and you gave me the Kuan Yin CD. Thank you for that and for all the work you are doing. Tonight was a very powerful experience and I was flooded with light and love. I look forward to feeling that energy again. Thank you again for your healing. Blessings until next time. Marika

Hi Nicki,

This was my second phone bridge as a supporter. I was too overwhelmed to speak. I'm still vibrating from the power of the circle.Your energy and the healing work that you are doing are spectacular. Being a part of these bridges means alot to me (and others). I felt a very strong, spiralling orange force that changed to white during the session and so much love. I was moved to tears. When I came out of the room, my husband said,"Did you like it that much?" I'm so grateful to you and bless you for what you do for all the people releasing the cancer cells and those who have the honour to be a part of your healing, supporting circle strengthening the parabola. Love and light, Trish Dear Nicki, Thank you for doing the cancer bridges …I have metastatic breast cancer and have benefited from your parabola visualization …that parabola loves inside as well as outside me and continues to feed me and heal me. I admire and support your commitment to healing. Sending peace and harmony Nausika

I was diagnosed in January this year with stage 4 breast cancer with spread to my spine, ribs and femur. I am making really good progress and my spine has started to heal in the last few weeks. Your book on Alchemical Healing has also been an inspiration to me and I'm sharing it with friends similarly afflicted. Thank you so much for what you're doing to help cancer patients return to health. Participation in the bridge adds powerful strength to the ritual. Gill

Nicki, I want to thank and bless you yet again for the cancer phone bridge. I notice a significant improvement emotionally and physically after each session. Part of the realization of how to deal with cancer not only involves standing aside and letting my spirit be ‘out front’, but also the realization that the healed must also be a healer. I have opened myself to what can I do to give back, and how to be of service to others even as I go through my own healing process. I have been blessed with a huge and highly supportive community to support me on my journey, and they are absolutely invaluable to the healing process. I have discussed the phone bridge with a number of oncologists and social workers, and it is unanimously hailed as a great idea. The fact is, many going through this are alone, or have not much support from their personal community, and many of them also lack the resources or mobility to take advantage of many of the healing resources. In these ways, the phone bridge does indeed bridge the gap to a greater community for those individuals, and enables them to take advantage of guided visualizations and the power of group healing. For many, it may be the only real opportunity they get. Because I sense a tremendous way to fill this void, the idea of getting a regular frequency (weekly?), promoting it seriously to clinics, oncologists and counselors, and getting funding to support such a program seems like an excellent way to really ‘give back’, and to involve many others in this incredible tool. I know that you are doing many other things in your life, and the expectation is certainly not to ask you to do a weekly bridge. Rather, if this were to happen, how do you see setting it up, administering it and allowing it to flourish? Thanks again for everything!

Love and Blessings, Doug

Readers: Please let us know your ideas on this…

Nicki, Thank yo so much for a powerful Bridge on Tuesday evening. Much to my surprise, my sisters, who don't generally embrace this type of healing work, were also on the call. I'd told one of them about it that afternoon and she got together with our other sister and called in. I'm in New Mexico and they are in New Jersey. How exciting that was. Our father is struggling with Pancreatic Cancer. My hope is that whether or not he goes forward in this life with this body that he'll come to place of peace and we can ease his transition, in whatever shape that transition comes. Peace and Blessings to you. Cynthia R

Good Morning Nicki, I want to say thank you so much for the wonderful work that you do. I participated in your guided phone bridge two weeks ago, July 11th & was filled with this overwhelming intent of love. While in the parabola visualization , I felt an intense gratitude as well as an intense connection with others in the group participating from around the world. I continue to hold a prayer in my heart, that what I desire for myself, I desire for everyone. I would like to sign up for the next phone bridge please. Blessings of gratitude! Tess J

Nicki, That was great info. last night, about the new low energy planets forming, and cancer cells, totalling fascinating. Lindra

Dear Nicki,

Thank you for the extraordinary experience tonight. I was truly moved to share in the alchemical healing experience. I was so touched by the stories and the healing experience, that it has left a definite soul print on my spirit. I have been a Reiki Master Teacher for years, teaching it in the most unlikely places, mostly to indigenous people where ever I have worked as a nurse in developing countries and in Alaska, but this is the first time I have been privileged to participate in such a large group. Thank you for providing that space for me to do so. May you be blessed in abundance for all that you are doing and may your heart be full of joy and peace always. Namaste Bonnie

Dear Nicki,

Thank you so much for holding the Cancer Phone Bridge yesterday. It was a powerful experience. Three hours later when I did a standing meditation before bed, it felt as if the reserve energy from the bridge was still with me. I felt incredibly light; it felt as if I would float if I lay back and let my feet come off the floor. If we can't join future bridges through the phone system, could we still add to the power of the parabola by visualizing ourselves as being there when the phone bridge is is session? Tsing

Answer: Yes, you can add to the power of the parabola any time, even when we are not on a bridge. The structure is in place to work with, and every time you do it makes it stronger.

Good Morning Nicki, I want to say thank you very much for the opportunity to take part in your Cancer Phone Bridge last evening. It was an inspiring experience to be on the parabola with so many others, especially to be there with my daughter Katherine. Your empathy, kindness, and support for us and for everyone together was evident and powerful. Intention heals. I am learning to believe in the Great Rethinking. In gratitude, Eunice G

It is important for people to recognize that the parabola that was created during the very first bridge is an energy form, and that as such it remains "intact", and that each time bridge work is done, whether during a bridge or in between times, this same form is the one that participants go to. People need to realize that each time someone goes there - whether to add energy or to make us of the energy, that the form is strengthened. Whether you placed them there or not, I feel that there is a host of energies that are "watch keepers", or "gate keepers" over this parabola. I was impressed that this particular healing is done with/through the use of compassion, rather than taking a warrior army in to do away with the errant cells. It felt so "right" to give them the choice of having another place to go, one where they could live their lives without causing harm to other life forms.

Whether this is another planet, or what might be termed an alternative planet to earth (existing at the same time, but in a separate space) is not of consequence - the point here would be that there is a place where these cells can go and thrive. :) I was also happy to see that you addressed "filling the empty space" that the cells had vacated. Were this not done, the remaining cells would have had room to grow very, very fast! Also, outside energies would have had a hole to go through to find a new home. As you ran the exercise, the physical hole and the psychic (auric) holes were "cleaned up", and the patient left "whole". And all of this was done without overwhelming anyone with information. ;-) (Part of a letter from Bonnie)

…By working with cancer cells in this way, I believe we are also addressing the prevention of cancer …in places where they are lying dormant just waiting for fertile ground!!! Anita

I too saw the cancer cells as sparkling green and blue lights leaving the planet. They were excited about this new journey and looking forward to their next opportunity for growth. What a beautiful and non-judgmental way of honoring them, by sending them to a place where their fecundity is a blessing and not a curse.This is a very powerful and versatile form of healing and I can imagine it being used for many different types of dis-ease that now plague us. I would be very willing to participate in future healing sessions for cancer or other maladies. P.M.

The energy was very clean and pure and I certainly would love to participate again and again and hopefully, there will come a time when all cancer cells are leaving on their own …kind of like the 100th monkey theory. As soon as the cell becomes aware of itself and that it has a job to do elsewhere it will leave. V.P.

As the amount of energy waxed then waned, the connections were very strong for everyone. This technique is so very exciting. I could "see" the tiny light of each cancer cell as it flew into deep space, sparkling on its journey, and I could see the golden white light of love fill the vacated spaces in all those receiving, regenerating healthy cells and being filled with the colors, energies, and sounds of whatever was for the highest good of each. A.

I heard each person share their gifts. I experienced a communion of spirit. I felt the fire of compassion ignite. As our heart-fire burns …As our hands reach out with hearts compassionate fire … I pray our parabola expands into the parable: And that this story will aid our transformation, uplifting the human condition specifically, each of YOU. B.

When the cancer cells were released I saw a ribbon of blue star dust flowing out into the universe winding it way through and around the stars. I also experienced overwhelming joy and freedom as though the cells were happy to be taking this journey. They fulfilled their contract and were happy to be released. I felt that they were not evil or malevolent, just doing their job. D.C.

I participated in the Healing Circle last night and was very excited about the entire experience!! I believe in the power of healing and can truthfully say that I have never experienced the totally electric experience that I did last night with the group. D.V-S.

As another mentioned afterwards, we could feel what you were saying almost before your words reached us …for instance, there was great energy in the palm of my hands and I noticed my fingertips began to radiate, and then you said we "should now feel it in our fingertips" …a wonderful and amazing experience …I could visualize the growing light of all of us extending to the darkness of the Universe.…blowing dandelion seeds gently and consistently from my body …wishing them "farewell", after thanking them for all the lessons I have had the good fortune to learn from them …they began to glow, like sparks floating up, up, up into the unknown places of the sky and stars …it took some time for me to "return" to the circle …hard to formulate words to say "thank you" for this experience, for the kind & supportive healers surrounding us, for those beautiful and compassionate Deities giving of their loving light and energy to each of us …I look forward to participating in the future …I too would like to "give back" and surround the inner circle with healing energy …as someone mentioned so eloquently last night … N

I feel strongly that the parabola that you have set up will work with many dis-eases that are not directly related to cancer. You lead the group well. It is important for people to recognize that the parabola that was created during the very first bridge is an energy form, and that as such it remains "intact", and that each time bridge work is done, whether during a bridge or in between times, this same form is the one that participants go to. People need to realize that each time someone goes there - whether to add energy or to make us of the energy, that the form is strengthened. Whether you placed them there or not, I feel that there is a host of energies that are "watch keepers", or "gate keepers" over this parabola. I was impressed that this particular healing is done with/through the use of compassion, rather than taking a warrior army in to do away with the errant cells. It felt so "right" to give them the choice of having another place to go, one where they could live their lives without causing harm to other life forms. Whether this is another planet, or what might be termed an alternative planet to earth (existing at the same time, but in a separate space) is not of consequence - the point here would be that there is a place where these cells can go and thrive. I was also happy to see that you addressed "filling the empty space" that the cells had vacated. Were this not done, the remaining cells would have had room to grow very, very fast! Also, outside energies would have had a hole to go through to find a new home. As you ran the exercise, the physical hole and the psychic (auric) holes were "cleaned up", and the patient left "whole". And all of this was done without overwhelming anyone with information.

This project, although it has been running for a few months, is only in its beginning stages. You will find yourself doing more with this. Thank you again for your efforts. I will continue to work on adding energy to the parabola so that others will benefit. Blessings, Bonnie D

Until my daughter sent me your website, I never heard of Nicki Scully or Alchemical Healing. As I read the testimonials, I could see myself in the circle of compassion and light and being healed. The cancer in my body is ready to leave and until I read about the "Bridge", I looked at cancer as an enemy. I never realized until this very moment …"LOVE" must be given to all, even cancer. I look forward to your newsletter and all articles you send. PeggyAnn H

I participated in the phone bridge on 6/28, found it very beneficial, and wish to sign up again for the 7/11 session. One thing that dawned on me was the use of the parabola as a healing form is a kind of synthesis between a triangle and a circle, both of which are very powerful geometries. I have used the parabola in subsequent meditations, and find it to be very effective. Thanks Nicki, and keep up the good work. Best Regards, Doug F

Dear Nicki,

Thank you for an amazing experience with the Healing Bridge last evening! It was a powerful journey with a group of wonderful people who generated enormous amounts of positive energy. I felt honored to be in their presence. Please keep me on your email list for future Healing Bridges. Thank you again for providing this unique opportunity! Sandi

Hi Nicki I am so glad I participated last night. For friends who have been on the bridge, their cancer has not returned. Last night's bridge was amazing. The whole planet was lit up in light like a pincushion protea and then got sucked up through the parabola like a volcano that blew its top. I felt it physically. Thanks again Nicki. Veronica P

Hello all - Please register me for the phone bridge for cancer, July 11. Let me just say I was high for days after the last one. I work as a healer and my hands opened up during the last bridge like they never have before. I feel deeply blessed to be working in this vein with Nikki and all on the bridge. With love, Duffi

Also read The Parabola Cancer Healing story by Otis Bass. Otis has been a participant in almost every bridge throughout their eistence.
