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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

My attempt to retire has taken a bit of a set-back—I'm working again! Although I love staying home and hanging out with Mark, what we love more is creating classes and teachings together. That's where our creative magic always lived, and the joy we feel working on this project is a powerful reminder that our magic is alive and well!

We made this joyful discovery after The Shift Network invited me to teach, a proposition that inspired Mark and me to look more deeply at what that would mean. When we met with Thoth and Friends they seemed giddy with excitement, and we realized this was a proposition we could not refuse. Shift allows our work to reach many, many more people, as I had discovered earlier when I participated in two of their shamanic summits.

Discover Egyptian Shamanism with Hathor, Isis, Sekhmet and Thoth

This free video event is happening Wednesday, October 17 at 5:30 pm Pacific. There will be a replay, and if you register and can't make it, you will get a recording. Please register at this link:

The new teachings, empowerments and initiations that are coming in are blowing our minds, as it is a new level, at least for me. It seems that every time I think I'm finished, and that there are no more books or new material (This usually happens to me when I complete and launch a book, such as the recent Sekhmet book). Then suddenly Mark or I will have a vision or a dream with a particular symbol, and I've learned to pay attention because it means that another opportunity for escalating the work to the next level is wanting to come in.

When we pursued the signal, we discovered that if we are to bring things back into balance, for ourselves, our families and communities, and hopefully, the world, it will require working in larger circles and communities. We are long past being able to "fix" the situation or clear the chaos with what any of us can accomplish alone, although all prayers, practices, tools and being an exemplar are still important. In this next level, we need to amp up our love and joy frequencies, our compassion, hope and optimism, and, essentially, allow a complete remake of ourselves that includes DNA repair and a new blueprint and body. All genuine shamanic paths at some time (sometimes several times) require spiritual death, illumination and rebirth. This act of surrender brings us to a place of heightened sensitivities and new levels of awareness.

If you recall, when I was first asked what retirement looked like for me, I was clear about what I didn't want to do, and let go of many of my biggest responsibilities, including the tour part of Shamanic Journeys, Ltd., Altared Space at the Oregon Country Fair (some fun is too much fun at my age), festivals that I needed to travel for (unless they are near where my grandchildren live), and even classes and retreats at my home/center/temple.

The cool things about my new gig are:

1. I'll be teaching my favorite subject, Ancient Shamanic Egyptian Mysteries, especially as it refers to the neteru (gods and goddesses)

2. I will be partnering with the Shift Network, a well-established and well-respected international teaching network.

3. There is a free introductory call on Wednesday, October 17 at 5:30pm Pacific, with an encore on Saturday, October 20, at 11am Pacific.

When you register at you will be given all the information you need, including information about the upcoming seven week course.

Please share this information and the link with anyone you think might be interested.

Egypt Tours

My partner and protégée Indigo Rønlov has taken over organizing and leading tours to Egypt, with my full blessing. There are three trips planned for Egypt in 2019, and Indigo is working on several for 2020. Please contact her directly at You can also get information at her new website,

Hope to see you on line next week! And please invite your friends and send them the link to register. Thank you.

Enjoy this beautiful autumn. It's harvest time and I hope yours is rich and plentiful.

With love,


Email Newsletter Services by xnau
