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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Hi Everybody,

Sorry you haven't heard from me in a while, however it's because I am much busier than I anticipated when I decided to retire. I love everything I do, but fitting it all in is a bit of a challenge. Right now we are in the middle of a record-breaking heatwave, so the garden has priority, however I want to let you know that I will be taking part again this year in the Shamanism Global Summit, which is hosted by my friend Michael Stone for The Shift Network. Please register right away using my personal link:

I love working with Michael because we're both on the same page, so it's easy to give an exciting interview, especially on a subject that I love: Ancient Egyptian Shamanism.

It was only in the last couple of decades that archeologists started to realize and take seriously that the "high civilization" we think of as Egypt was able to maintain itself because those pharaohs who took their role seriously received their directions either directly from Source, or from their highest, initiated priesthood. The three thousand years, including the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms, was a bit of a rollercoaster ride as conquerors from outside took control, or greed and power ran the show for some time before an enlightened pharaoh returned to rule with the required integrity. And of course, there was always politics…

There is much that can be said about shamanism in Ancient Egypt. Much of the Heb Set Festival rites were initially mis-interpreted because most Egyptologists believed that the instructions written on the walls of the Unas Pyramid at Sakkara were written for the dead pharaoh rather than the living one. To me the most striking shamanic initiation is the tekenu ritual, during the Heb Set festival. This powerful experience gives the initiate direct communion with Source. According to Normandi Ellis (My Egyptian Mysteries teaching partner for two decades) tek-nu means to enter the void or nothingness, while tekenu means "to pierce the sky." Initiations of that nature included the use of psychotropic substances and were not taken lightly.

For more information about tekenu and other shamanic initiations see The Union of Isis and Thoth by Normandi Ellis and me, or Imagining the World Into Existence, An Egyptian manual of consciousness by Normandi, both are available at

Other teachers in the Shamanism Global Summit include a variety of fascinating teachers representing various cultures. Again, for more details about this free online event, please use my personal link and please do it as soon as possible.

That's it for now. I will send you more information with a reminder next week, hopefully with more news.

Meanwhile, enjoy the season, wherever you are,

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