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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter
Dear Friends,

It's Thursday night here in NYC. I got here early this morning after I was finally able to get off our hills above Eugene with the help of our son Ben, our neighbors, Mark and other brave souls who made it possible. We were snowed in without cable and internet for a few days, and before that lost all power overnight and half a day when the heaviest snowfall since 1971 (that measurement was taken before the second wave) kept us isolated since last weekend. Although we stayed warm and cozy, it seems I lost all sense of time. I wrote the newsletter last week, but had no way to send it until now.

This is a very exciting year for me, as although I am technically semi-retired, I find myself with time to hang out with Mark in a way that allows us to remember the magic that brought us together, and to learn even more about him, which only makes our love, and particularly my admiration for him, grow (33 years together and still growing). You will soon see the fruits of a longstanding project as soon as I learn to create a blog and we do the final edits of his stories, which we intend to dole out over time as they become ready. We have about 60 so far, and you will be the first to read them.

The Union of Isis and Thoth Part I with Normandi Ellis and Nicki Scully

The other most exciting thing on the horizon is that Normandi and I want to continue our Egyptian Mystery School, and have decided to do a six session course in November, starting on Tuesday, November 5 and completing December 10, with all sessions on Tuesdays at 11AM Pacific. To make it more available to people in Europe and Australia, we are starting at 11 AM Pacific (2 Eastern) for between 90 and 120 minutes. I asked Normandi for a draft for me to work from, but it is so clear and straightforward that I will quote her directly:

Isis and Thoth's Mystery School – Natural Law in Your Own Backyard, by Normandi

The Gods and Goddesses Want YOUR Love and Protection! Yes, we often pray FOR something, but how often do we LISTEN FOR their response, including their requests to us. The gods and goddesses need our attention because the world in which matter and spirit reside is teetering in crises. In case the POTUS hasn't noticed, climate change is real. The usual heat and cold, fires, floods, winds, snow and ice have ramped up their energies exponentially over the last 2 years. Those Usual elements, dear ones, are the embodiments of the Neteru, the gods and goddesses of Egypt who are the Living Divine in the natural world. Their UNUSUAL appearance in our world now means that humans have ignored the Divine, and turned our backs on the importance of the basic principle of metaphysics, As Above, So Below. There was never a more important time to bring the Neter, Netcher, Nature back to the minds of spiritual people.

Normandi Ellis
photo by Amy Auset Rohn
Nicki and I invite you to join us in this timely and important Mystery School that will bring a return to establishing the Temple of the Neteru, the Divine in Nature, into your life. Activate your inner temple, build your outer temple, and pray without ceasing to the divine Mother and Father of our world. Thoth and Isis have asked us to devote this upcoming online mystery school to bringing about a more focused attention on our environment by bringing more focused attention on the appearance of the gods and goddesses right outside your door.

So how do you build your inner temple? How do you work with magic, invocation, intention and attention to celebrate Heaven on Earth—and IN Earth. Learn to identify the deities all around you. Learn to listen to the wisdom voices— and see yourself responding. Mystery initiations begin immediately wherever you are, in all parts of the world simultaneously. This online class is a brilliant way for us to use technology to quicken our responsiveness to the call of the Divine.

Join us and let us begin this important work together,

May Love Light Your Way. Normandi

This is our first post/invitation regarding this Mystery School, and we are still working out details. Because we will be using Zoom, there will be recordings in the event that you have to miss any of all of the live calls. Thank you in advance for making it possible for us to continue our Mystery School after a two year break because we can no longer use my home/temple and thankfully, the technology has improved so that we can easily create our intimate temple space on line, and will include a private google group to support the work and create the space required for shared intimacy and community building.

If you are interested in this course, please let us know by email so that you will be sure to get all the details as soon as we nail them down and post a registration page.

Interview with Echan Deravy

On another interesting note, I just finished an interview with a friend, Echan Deravy, who has been living in Japan for forty plus years. His Bio and Podcast, The Real Rover, are fascinating. Suffice it to say here that he has written over 40 books and is fluent in Japanese. You can read the rest of his bio here… He met me halfway, in Hawaii, a couple of decades ago with a group of Japanese. It was a magical experience, and it was an honor to teach a group of Japanese for they treat their teachers with great respect— it was a very enlightening experience. It was a delight to record a conversation with him (which he will soon translate into Japanese!) and I hope we do more in the future. Anyway, here's the link to the interview on his website and facebook. Please share it around if you like it.

Website link:

Facebook link:

Zahra Indigo RønlovAlchemical Healing Level I Classes with Zahra Indigo Rønlov

You are invited to join Zahra Indigo to delve into this potent healing form. This comprehensive course combines diverse and innovative techniques that are practical and applicable in today's world for physical healing and therapeutic counseling. All people desiring self healing and to increase their capacity to heal others will find this a powerful and transformational experience. Anyone in therapeutic modalities in any of the multitude of varieties and approaches who wish to learn these techniques will find this unusual approach fast, effective, and easy to integrate.

More information, registration, and the payment portal can be found at the associated links:

April 5-7, 2019 in Essex, UK, assisted by Piliaka Corina Peter

May 17-19, 2019 in Bellingham, Washington, USA

Nicole BaloghAlchemical Healing Level I with Nicole Balogh in Southwestern Ontario.

Fri Apr 12th, Sat Apr 13th, Sun Apr 14th 2019

There are a few spots still open if you are called to experience the magic of this healing art form… and some accommodations available as well.

For more information go to Or contact Nicole at 519 777-9400 or

Egypt with Zahra Indigo

Sacred Travel through the Ancient Land of Egypt 2019 & 2020 Egyptian Mysteries Tours with Zahra Indigo Rønlov

Zahra has many amazing transformational tours planned! For more information about our offerings, please request more detailed information here: and visit Mysteries of Egypt LLC website.

4-17 October 2019
A Special Pilgrimage for the Center for Sacred Studies with Jyoti and Zahra Indigo

Join Jyoti of the Center for Sacred Studies and Zahra Indigo on this unique tour through the beautiful land and temples of Egypt. Throughout this journey we will lean into the silence and the space provided by the River Nile, the desert air, the fierce and brilliant sun, and the ancient and amazing temples and monuments in order to receive the prayers needed to step forward into our destiny.

29 February - 14 March 2020
The Light of Truth with Zahra Indigo & Sayed Motalam

This extraordinaire pilgrimage will be lead by Zahra Indigo and Egyptian native, Sayed. The teaching will be held within the container of Ancient Egyptian Alchemy combined with the truths of Islam. The intention of this remarkable pilgrimage is to shine the light of truth into our hearts in order to receive the inner and outer guidance awaiting us. Together, we will create a beautiful journey sharing sacred space, learning, growing, exploring, and writing as we will wander through this ancient land, float along the River Nile aboard The Mystery—our private dahabia, and feel the profound nature of the light during our visits to the temple sites, mosques, and monasteries.

17-31 March 2020
The Wisdom of the Neteru with Normandi Ellis and Zahra Indigo

Enter into the Egyptian Mysteries with Zahra Indigo and Normandi Ellis. We will work with the hieroglyphs, the neteru, and the temples and monuments of Egypt to learn about the mythos of the ancients in order to gain deeper understanding our own personal mythos and how our every choice co-creates our collective future. The neteru are the ancient goddesses and gods of Egypt, each archetypal aspect of who we are as divine co-creative beings on the planet. The ancient word "neteru" morphed into the Coptic tradition as "Netcher," their word for God. Netcher, then become our word for nature. So it is that on this special pilgrimage we will have the opportunity to discover our true essential nature as we commune with the neteru.

Finally, if you go to you will find that we have changed the reading and are now presenting the Sacred Purpose spread. Enjoy experiencing the Oracle—it's free!

Hope to see you soon in person or on line.

Blessings and love,
Nicki and Mark


Email Newsletter Services by xnau
