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Nicki Scully's Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing NewsletterThis newsletter is sent periodically to those wishing to stay current with Nicki Scully, Shamanic Journeys, and Alchemical Healing news and events. If you enjoy receiving these newsletters, please forward or share with a friend. You may add an email address to our list by entering it below. If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please click the link at the bottom of the page. Dear Friends, Autumn is harvest time, traditionally the busiest time of the year. I did manage to dry and use in one way or another every pear and peach, however I may have too many apples to process them all. I'd like to report that the apple tree that came down in the big snow last spring is our latest miracle. You may remember the photo of it lying down with its roots, all but a small portion, sticking up in the air. It lay there for two weeks because everyone but me said it could never come back. I finally hired someone with a winch to lift it back up, and we packed rich composted soil in the hole under the roots. Today, this ancient wonder is bearing the best apples ever! I offer deep gratitude for this miracle, and I hope it reminds you to be alert to all of the possible miracles and especially the ones that are happening around you all the time. Free Planetary Healing Call to Action—The FlockSaturday, November 9, 11am PacificAs promised, I am inviting you to another Planetary Healing Call to Action via easy to use audio/video Zoom technology. Because most everyone who was on the last Call asked me to repeat the journey verbatim in order to go deeper, we will be introducing The Flock to more people, and will include some feedback from those who took it via the recording. Somehow, even with the technical difficulties and the noise, people loved it and sent in great shares. Please let others know, as we are thinking that The Flock is the most important Planetary Healing work we've created to date. Also, we have a great hostess who will handle the technical stuff that got away from me last time. So now, the more the merrier! Register online here and note, the time in the US will have changed the previous week (Back one hour). Please check your time so that you join the call Satruday, Novermber 9th 11AM Pacific Standard time. Also, please share this link with your friends. Here are some of the shares from our last Planetary Healing Call:
To Register for the upcoming call, please go to http://shamanicjourneys.com/call_to_action_registration.php Please check your time so that you join the call at US 11AM Pacific Standard time. Please share this link. FYI, the recording of the last Call is at https://youtu.be/nyMHtSeavSY. Please excuse the technical difficulties. They will be repaired in the next Call. Mystery School6 2+ hour classes Tuesdays, 11am Pacific starting November 5— recordings only at this timeMy Mystery School course with Normandi on The Union of Isis and Thoth is full for the live class, but we are still taking registrations for the recordings. It turns out that the inner temple (adytum) that we will be building is not in the book; it is entirely new and meant for those who are ready to steward the planet and support the Egyptian neteru family in a new way. The book remains relevant and reading it is fundamental to this course. Although we will talk about the communal temple, and open it in the first class, the instructions for building it are in the book. We will create a Google Group so that everyone who is registered, whether in class or by recordings will be able to share and communicate with one another, and I will be able to check in and respond as needed. More details and register for the class here… Global Spiritual Awakening ConferenceI will be presenting in the Global Spiritual Awakening Conference November 16-17. I will be speaking about the relevance of ancient Egyptian wisdom and especially the goddess, Sekhmet, in our current time, and providing a journey/initiation from Sekhmet. Although this conference doesn't have the numbers of teachers they had initially hoped for, Robin Rose, one of the producers, used to create some of the best conferences in which I've partcipated. Therefore I am confident that this one will be worthwhile. For more information and to register, please use this link: https://tickets.brightstarevents.com/event/the-global-spiritual-awakening-conference/tag/GSACScully. EgyptThere are still a few places left in Indigo's March tour to Egypt, and Normandi Ellis, my dear sister, priestess, shaman, scholar and guide, will be teaching on this tour. Normandi also has the advantage of fluency in reading hieroglyphs, a rare blend of attributes that will make this a journey of a lifetime! If Egypt has been calling you, I think now is the time. Although Egypt is full of tourists from all over the world right now, Indigo's special privileges and private time at the most important monuments make everything about this tour feel intimate, even private. By the way, I carry all of Normandi's relevant books, including her first direct translation from hieroglyphs, Awakening Osiris: The Egyptian Book of the Dead, a copy of which should be in every metaphysician's library. It's in my on-line store, www.HathorsMorror.com. The following is from Indigo:
I hope you enjoy our newsletters, and look forward to seeing many of you on our next Planetary Healing Call to Action. Let's grow this Flock. Together we can make healing happen! With blessings and love,
www.shamanicjourneys.comHathor's Mirror (online store)theanubisoracle.com (free readings available)becominganoracle.com (sample journey available)planetaryhealingbook.comPrivate phone or Video sessions with NickiFor updated events and a full schedule, please go to our schedules page.Shamanic Journeys, Ltd.
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