Dear Friends,
I find myself once again on the East Coast where I have just completed an Alchemical Healing class that brought me to where I can see my grandchildren, whom I will join on Wednesday. Meanwhile, I am enjoying some thoughtful time as I begin to see what retirement looks like. For me it is following my passion, and doing what I love. The only difference is that my priorities are changing, although my passion for sharing my work is undiminished.
Nicki with Pamela Hoiles, Connectictut, April 2018
I find it a bit strange that as I enter retirement there seems to be a leap in the power, speed, and effectiveness of Alchemical Healing—so much so that I don't want to speak much about it for fear of diluting it in some way. On the other hand, I remember when I first was initiated into Reiki, I had an experience of an instantaneous miracle healing that freaked me out (I do write about it in Alchemical Healing, so don't wish to repeat it here) to such a degree that I was afraid to talk about it. In retrospect, I think I sabotaged myself and set myself back, or at least slowed myself down. I was frightened by the power, although I was much younger then (1981) and did not understand my gifts, not only as a healer, but as a catalyst to help awaken the memory of the creative process that lives in all of us, especially when we understand that healing is a co-creative process. And, if I can do it, anyone can.
View from the Connecticut workshop siteMy question to you is are you also noticing a distinctive shift in the power and speed of Alchemical Healing and other forms? And if so, why? Perhaps it is the increased interest in shamanism, alchemy, and the more commonly accepted interaction with the spirit world, which in turn seems to have become more receptive and ready to jump in and help, sometimes even spontaneously and without invitation. Maybe it is because the need is so much greater and the response from throughout the multi-verse is also greater. One of the main things I am noticing is that more and more people are waking up to the needs of our planet and its various cultures and realizing that we each have a responsibility to do something about it. Since I announced my movement toward retiring, the number of people that have called for help and guidance around sudden awakenings, dreams, and spontaneous heart-openings have given me a new level of hope. Many are young and looking for direction. Many are struggling to find and/or fulfill their sacred purpose in order to give meaning to life in the midst of unprecedented chaos. Whatever the reason, those of us who have become elders in the spiritual community have a responsibility to be exemplars, if not direct mentors. It's time to squeeze out the sponge of knowledge and wisdom we have learned in our lives and give back to the following generations. I am finding them eager to learn and much more sensitive and receptive than I was at their age—and we need them to become the leaders that will create a balanced and harmonious world.
Part of the answer might be the accessibility of teachers and spiritual leaders who are presenting themselves and their work on some of the summits that are happening more and more because of the podcast and video technology that is making it easier to circle in groups around the world. That new technlology is helping spread the wisdom from antiquity, offering exciting possibilities. I've taken part in many summits, some of which you can link to from my site and some are yet to be posted, however there is one that is coming up that will be live from May 1-9, 2018 that will be of special interest to many of you:
The Modern Shamanic Mystery School
May 1-9, 2018
If you are intrigued by sacred plant medicines & want to explore shamanic traditions in a safe and empowering way, you don't want to miss out on this global gathering of visionary shamans hosted by my friend Lorna Liana:
The Modern Shaman Mystery School is a free, week-long event with 40+ presenters from a diversity of cultures and traditions that will be discussing how we can safely work with:
- Ancestors, Power Animals, & Spirit Guides
- Dreamwork, Visions & Higher States of Consciousness
- Indigenous Wisdom & Shamanic Healing
- Plant Teachers & Visionary Medicines
If you are ready to learn ancient shamanic tools to help you claim your innate power, discover your soul's purpose, manifest the life you want, and evolve into the highest version of yourself, register now at I am quite excited to be part of this Shamanic Mystery School Summit, as it focuses on plant teachers and medicines, visionary expansion of consciousness, indigenous wisdom and shamanic healing, all subjects that have been a large part of my history, and I believe they need to be discussed in a safe and careful environment. I have been impressed by the host, Lorna Liana, who has put exceptional care and effort in creating this summit. Please join me and 40+ other presenters, some of whom are friends of mine. The summit airs from May 1-9 (My interview is May 2 at 1PM Pacific/ 4
PM Eastern). Register for this free event at
I am including a special gift that I think you will enjoy.
Planetary Healing Call to Action
A whale came into a healing this weekend on a woman whose digestive system had shut down more than five years ago. As she circled around her and bumped her stomach to check things out, the whale told us that their species are suffering from similar issues, and that the ocean is filled with plastic and other trash that is not disintegrating. This pollution is blocking the digestive systems of other sea creatures and endangering and killing many entire species. This whale was eager to help us, and bonded with the woman my Alchemical Healing class was working on via Facetime, and is continuing to support her in her healing. In return we all agreed to do at least one thing to bring attention to this travesty that is devastating our oceans. I wish to start with a Planetary Healing Call to Action for our oceans, and will announce the date in my next newsletter, however if you write to our office we will be sure to put you on the list so that you will get an invitation. This healing ceremony will be a video/audio call, whichever works for you, and the more people who join, the more powerful it will be!
Sage and Wiley cleaning Rockaway Beach on Earth DayI am off to visit my grandchildren in New York, and will be home early next week. Let me know your thoughts. Although I plan to present at East West Bookshop in Seattle in August, I will only be doing private sessions and mentoring between now and then, and looking for ways to expand my on-line store, If anything changes, I will let you know. Meanwhile, my website has lots of information, including a number of free audio Journeys, wirtten stories and articles, and video and podcast interviews. I invite you to explore, have a good time, and share it with your friends.
Meanwhile, enjoy the Spring that is finally coming (at least in our part of the world).
Hope to see or hear from you soon.
Blessings and love,
Nicki Scully