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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends

So much to be grateful for... When I think of Thanksgiving, it is only after I remember the true history and source of the holiday and pay proper respects to the indigenous peoples of this land that I can somehow turn my thinking around to use this time to consider all the things we have to be grateful for.

I have just completed my last Alchemical Healing class and the recording of my presentation/interview for Sounds True's upcoming summit on The Power of Shamanism, the dates of which are February 27-March 7. I spoke on Egyptian shamanism and am quite pleased with how it turned out. I'll give you more details as we get closer to the dates of the summit. I still have a few interviews coming up this year, but mostly it's break time and I am thrilled to experience what feels like the first real slow down since I broke my hip more than four years ago. Gratitude number one.

Now I have to consider more deeply what “semi” retirement really means for me. My priorities are shifting as I look at the future, and there are a number of things that are rearranging themselves. The deeper I look, the more I realize that my own health and strength must be at the top of the list, as how can I fulfill my commitments and help others if I over-do or or allow myself to get run down. For starters, I've concluded that I must become more conscious of my diet, and get enough sleep and exercise. I have found a great Qi Gung master teacher and am already regaining my strength. More gratitude . . .

Mark has been in a beautiful purple cast from his fingers to his shoulder for the last four weeks. It's amazing how little it takes for me to realize just how much of a team we are, and how much harder it is to get anything done without him. Being unable to use one's right arm can be quite limiting . . . At least a broken wrist is temporary, but the care is long term. Meanwhile, Mark just had the long cast removed and replaced with a lighter one that he can take off to shower. Amazing the things we take for granted and how much we have to be grateful for every day. Still more gratitude . . .

Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess

Workshop and private sessions at the Mystical Moon in Bonita Springs, South Florida, December 15-16

Fortunately my semi-retirement doesn't officially begin until 2018. Besides, This class is too much fun and too important to pass on this opportunity, especially since Mark and I get to visit our youngest grandchildren and enjoy some warm winter days during this working vacation. Definitely a few things to be grateful for!! If you are not aware of Laurie Borraco's two stores, both called The Mystical Moon, and you are in the Ft. Myers or Bonita Springs area, you would do well to know about them. I've taught several times at the Ft. Myers store and am looking forward to spending this time at her newest store in Bonita Springs. There are few really good independent spiritual bookshops left, and these are excellent. Please let you friends in South Florida know about them and that I will be there between December 15 and December 22.

By the way both the workshop and sessions are already half booked, so don't wait until the last minute if you are interested. Besides, you need to do some work to prepare for this class. Also, the tuition includes the cost of the book. Register directly with Stephanie at The Mystical Moon, (239) 301-0655


Spiritual Activism

Back to my priorities— it's time for me to become a different kind of activist. I don't know yet exactly what that looks like, but it is obvious to me that it will take more than a village to restore Ma'at to our world, and I believe that bringing the world back into balance and out of fear, greed and chaos is the greatest priority for all of us right now. For those of you that are not familiar with Ma'at, she is both a goddess and a concept. Ma'at represents Truth, Justice, Balance, Cosmic Law and Natural Order . . . Every child in ancient Egypt grew up knowing that their sacred purpose, their reason for being, was to serve Ma'at.

Our forefathers understood the concept— she appears as Lady Justice in sculptures at our Supreme Court, although I doubt that they still make the Egyptian connection. What I do know is that we in the U.S. have lost the prestige and credibility that at one time bespoke the principles upon which our democracy was originally intended, and what so many of our people have fought and died to maintain. Somehow in our isolationism and arrogance we have forgotten our responsibilities as stewards rather than conquerors of our precious planet.

Right now, and in the near future my activism will appear through teaching Sekhmet, Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess and attempting to build sufficient community of warriors for Ma'at, men and women who commit to passing through the belly of the goddess Sekhmet to gain her courage, strength, healing, and the co-creation of a new being that knows their sacred purpose and how to fulfill it. Spiritual Activism is fulfilling, empowering, and something we can all do. Look within your heart and see what feels right for you. . .

Sekhmet: In the Belly of the Goddess

Video/Teleclass, January 22, 25, 29, February 1, 5, and 8

Please join me for a six session video/teleclass during which we will go through the alchemy that is divided into about 22 shamanic journeys. In order for each person to experience this level of transformation, each participant experiences shamanic death, disintegration, dismemberment, illumination, co-creation and reconstruction in order to become an adult child of Sekhmet who is also a warrior for Ma'at. This life-altering experience will be consciously be observed from inside the belly of Sekhmet. I can't think of a safer place I'd rather be . . .

To learn more about the book, go to Hathor's Details on this class can be found here…

As I am no longer giving retreats at my home, I am encouraging other Alchemical Healing teachers to do more retreats and to travel to wherever the need is. Meanwhile, I intend to mentor those who wish to become certified as practitioners and/or teachers, and hopefully work with small groups all over the world who would like to work together but wish to have guidance while doing so. I will probably teach two classes in the spring and fall, and a number of free Personal and Planetary Healing Calls to Action. I'm also considering taking my Alchemical Healing work with the elements to the next level--imagine working alchemically with the scientific table of elements for healing. I've also been asked to focus on Cancer again however there are podcasts of many of the free Cancer Phone Bridges I did for eight years on my website. Ah, retirement; I am grateful to have more time to do the things I enjoy most!

Debbie Clarkin and Indigo Rønlov
Photo by Auset
Egypt Tours:

Shamanic Journeys, Ltd. is excited to offer Egyptian Mysteries tours to Egypt in 2018. Indigo Rønlov is leading all three with Normandi Ellis joining her in February, which is primarily for those who have already been to Egypt and are interested in “Off the Beaten Path.” In March Indigo will be co-leading with Debbie Clarkin, and again in September with Sandy Corcoran. February is nearly full, however the other two tours still have plenty of space. We look forward to sharing the magic of this sacred land with you. Information on all three are found here: Sacred Travel to Egypt

In March, our time together will begin between the paws of the sphinx as you offer your intention to this ancient and wise being who awaits the dawn's light each day. The tour will culminate in a private ceremony in the Great Pyramid on the Spring Equinox as day and night equalize, traversing the mysteries in between. We look forward to sharing Egypt with you. Following is a peak into the world of the pantheon we will explore. Enjoy: The Wisdom of the Neteru Initial Journey!

Hank Wesselman, PhD

I highly recommend this best selling author, anthropologist, wise shaman and dear friend who is offering a FREE online event Wednesday, December 6, during which he will guide you to experience the Lower, Middle and Upper Worlds to connect with spirit teachers. These time-tested shamanic practices can open you to receive wisdom and clarity from your personal guides and teachers. Register here…

A recording will be provided later to all who register, whether or not you listen to the scheduled event. Hank will also be offering a more lengthy class on line, which you will learn about during the free event. Register at

I wish you all a great rest of your holiday weekend, and many, many reasons to count your blessings and gratitudes.

In joy and with love,
Nicki Scully


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