Dear Friends,
Nicki Scully and Jean HoustonAs the magnificent full Wisak Moon begins to wane, and it is now Mother's Day, I have just returned from Ashland, where I spent the afternoon and evening celebrating Jean Houston's 80th birthday. What an inspiration! At 80, Jean doesn't look more than mid-50s, yet she has mothered thousands of people with her nurturing wisdom and influenced many of the peacemakers and leaders in today's chaotic world. She is the real deal, and I hope that whatever she is doing also rubbed off on me.
What I did gain from the joyous, laugh filled experience of her exquisite hospitality was followed by a reading of her new (and first) play at the Ashland Community center. Three terrific women, all professional Shakespearean actors, gave us a deeply thoughtful, funny, and educational experience of quantum consciousness in physics. If it ever reaches your town, wherever you are, or anywhere that you can get to, I highly recommend that you do whatever it takes to see this brilliant play. As her friend Judith suggested when she introduced Jean, I hope we were celebrating the beginning of her next 80 years. By then, perhaps we will have many Jean Houston clones making sure her much needed wisdom reaches the hearts and minds of those in need everywhere.
Meanwhile, it gets closer to the time when my new book, Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess, is released, I'm preparing for my book tour and the opportunity to introduce you to Sekhmet through one or two (or many, as in Las Vegas) of the initiations from the book during my presentations. Here's a taste of this book's ambitious purpose, from the introduction:
photo by Hank Wesselman"This transformative process (the substance of the book) transmutes the lead of your deeply ingrained reflexive responses into the gold of enlightened choice. Like alchemy, it is a process of cooking, similar to baking a loaf of bread. It requires you to search within yourself to find the character flaws and weaknesses that hold you back from becoming a fully realized human being. You create your offerings to the goddess through an intensive self-examination process in which you seek out and find your pain, your fear, your rage, your self-sabotage, and your perceived faults and disease. Your obsolete, ignored and unconscious habitual patterns are the prima materia, the prime matter to be transformed. You can invite these patterns to rise into consciousness, work them into a symbolic representation of the demons that plague you, and offer them to the goddess for transformation. (Instructions are clearly stated.)
"Sekhmet called this process into being because we are in urgent need of radical change, now. Although there are other traditions with appropriate corresponding archetypes, this alchemical formula requires a trusting relationship with Sekhmet. If you are new to this type of work, or to Sekhmet, you will develop the bond as you work through the preparations. What is extraordinary about this work is that you will experience directly the entire alchemical process of transformation, and your renewal and regeneration is dependent only on your ability to maintain attention, intention, and consciousness throughout the journeys through which you will be guided."
Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess Book Tour
Sekhmet Temple in the Desert, Las VegasSophia Center for Goddess Study
Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess Presentation, Book Signing and Seminar
To participate in the entire process, and also do ceremony at Sekhmet's temple in the desert, lease join me June 2-4 in Las Vegas. Friday night is both an introduction and the first night of the workshop. The presentation is open to the public (love donation requested). Part of the class will take place at the Sekhmet Temple located in Indian Springs. The book will be available for purchase Friday night, although the cost is included if you regostr for the seminar. Snacks will be served. More details about Sekhmet and this weekend here…

Saturday, June 10 for an afternoon workshop with Nicki and full moon ceremony at CoSM in Wappingers Falls, New York (with Alex and Allyson Grey). The workshop is from 3-6PM, dinner is included. More information and registration here…
Nicki with Bruce Lipton at Ananda Temple
Palo Alto, CA, Saturday, June 17
The Ananda Temple in Palo Alto, with myself and Bruce Lipton. Nicki starts her presentation at 4:30 PM, and Bruce will join her partway through. (Sponsored by East West Bookshop, Mountain View, California). Information and Registration here…
Tsunami Books
Eugene, Oregon, Friday June 23
Book Launch Party at Tsunami Books, 6:30 PM meet and greet, 7PM presentation and book signing.
Oregon Country Fair, July 7-9
Timing for my presentation to be announced. More info on the fair here…
The 30th Annual New England Women's Herbal Conference
Camp Wicosuta, New Hampshire, August 25-27
We all need the opportunity to rest, recharge, play some, sing some, dance some, sing & dance some more! to drum our spirits awake as we dance round the fire, dream by the fire light & dance some more, swim & sun at the beach, canoe & kayak, shop and talk—the Women's Herbal Conference provides a time and space for all this and more. Far more than just an amazing educational event, the WHC is an opportunity to recharge and refuel our souls…
This is a must for all women interested in herbal studies and healing! Great venue, great teachers, and lots of magic… Nicki will be presenting two workshops and an Alchemical Healing Intensive.
More information on the conference at
Egypt, 2018:
Sunrise at Philae, photo by Jake Cohl
We are fast reaching the early-bird cost-saving deadline, May 15, for the February 22-March 7, 2018 tour of Egypt with Normandi Ellis and Indigo Ronlov. If you let us know that you heard from this newsletter before the end of the month, we will hold your place with the $300 discount.
Off the Beaten Path: Through the Layers of Time is a special tour designed for those who have been to Egypt (although others who have not traveled there are welcome) in order to visit places that you have not yet seen as well as some of the most well-loved sites that we consider essential. As we give our time and attention to these less traveled sites we have the opportunity to honor our unique lineages as we strengthen our connections with our ancestors and also offer planetary healing for those descendents that are waiting to incarnate. Details on this tour here…
Also is available is the itinerary the Nicki has created during the three decades she has led groups aling the Nile. This tour will be led by Indigo Rønlov and Debbie Clarkin March 8 – 21, 2018. It is also time to get your deposits in for this magical adventure. Tour details here… I will have an article in the next newsletter, but there is also a $300 early bird special which ends June 1.
Michael Stone's events:
Effortless Life: The 5-Day Challenge to Access Spiritual Awakening: Michael is excited to announce a special series on Facebook Live starting next Monday, May 15th 2017
Michael has been speaking a lot lately about the profound sense of "deep overwhelm" many of us are feeling in the world today… His new project at Well of Light is a FREE week long workshop that kicks off with an email in your inbox on Monday, May 15th at 8am PDT. Then, every day from May 15 to May 19 at 9am PDT, he will be on Facebook Live talking about how to access spiritual awakening and transform any overwhelm you may be experiencing. Please mark your calendars, and check out his experiments with Facebook live on his Facebook page.
The 5-Day Challenge concludes with the "Overwhelm to Effortless" Master Class on Friday at 5PM PDT and Saturday at 9AM PDT. You will be able to register for the Master Class when you register for the 5-Day Challenge.

My friend Michael Stone has also taken on the mantle of the FREE Planetary Healing Calls to Action with his New Moon Planetary Healing Call to Action, which this month he is collaborating with HeatherAsh Amara on Thursday, May 25 at 9am PDT/ 12pm EDT. A recording will be made available to all who register.
In these time of escalating change, divisiveness and chaos it's easy to become lost in overwhelm and resistance to the way things are! Join Michael Stone and HeatherAsh Amara for this month's New Moon Planetary Call to Action as they interact around meeting the world authentically and wholeheartedly. When we open our perception to include all that is arising in our life and let go of our protected heart, we discover the beauty and magnificence of the One heart.
The awakening of the heart center makes you extremely sensitive to the human experience.
It opens you to the soul's calling, and leads to a deepening connection
with yourself and all of life.
—Michael Stone
HeatherAsh Amara is the author of Warrior Goddess Training, The Toltec Path of Transformation, and the recently released Warrior Goddess Way. She is dedicated to inspiring depth, creativity, and joy by sharing the most potent tools from a variety of world traditions.
Celebrating Mothers Day
I send out special blessings for all the mothers out there— Although every day is Mothers' Day (there are no real off days when the kids are growing up), and should be celebrated as such, on this day can we all take a moment to remember what motherhood means— to consistently and joyfully love, nurture and care for a child so that he or she becomes a healthy, compassionate, continuously inquisitive and joy-filled adult. I give thanks for those families in which moms are blessed to have partners that share in this responsibility—you are doubly blessed. As one who experienced enough time of single parenting to know just how difficult it can be, I send special honor and prayers to those who take on that dual responsibility with grace and the awesome commitment it requires. I also wish to remember those mothers and families with children with special needs—may you find joy in the extraordinary courage and compassion it takes to meet the priorities that will guide your life with lessons above and beyond…
I am blessed with children and grandchildren, and wish to send a shout out to the mothers of my grandchildren for showing me that in spite of my personal inadequacies as a parent, you have far exceeded my expectations as mothers, and in so doing are proving that this upcoming generation is the hope of the world. May they continue to be kind, generous, and aware, for they are the future peacemakers and stewards of our precious planet. I send all mothers an extra dose of strength, courage, compassion, and spring flowers from Kuan Yin's garden, with love.
I wish you peace in your heart and laughter an joy all around you.
With love and blessings,
Nicki Scully