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Nicki Scully's Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing NewsletterThis newsletter is sent periodically to those wishing to stay current with Nicki Scully, Shamanic Journeys, and Alchemical Healing news and events. If you enjoy receiving these newsletters, please forward or share with a friend. You may add an email address to our list by entering it below. If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please click the link at the bottom of the page. Dear Friends,
It seems as though many people are having the same idea, all at once— producing free summits to get the word out on the various teachings that are coming in and flowing into the mainstream. I just listened to my friend Michael Stone's live presentation last evening (it will be repeated live again on Saturday at noon Pacific, register here…) and it was full of good information and several journeys for direct access to knowledge and experience). Right now I only have information on three of the other upcoming summits, the information about which follows another subject that is very important to me, and has to do with our work in Egypt. (And yes, we still have tours going to Egypt, this November and next March for starters. See www.shamanicjourneys.com for details). I wish to invite you to learn about the project of my very dear friend and colleague, Indigo Rønlov, and to consider her fundraiser, which will help many disempowered, often poverty stricken women of Egypt, transform their lives as they turn plastic recyclable waste material into usable items. Following is a letter from her to you:
Meanwhile, back to the summits: Free Skype Video series: The Spiritually Rich Life: Master Classes on Creating Income through Inspiration & Impact! Starts October 15. Nicki speaks on October 18. Register at http://thedharmacircle.com/Nicki.The first one is being hosted and produce by Julie Serot. I just watched a preview of my interview with Julie, and I think there is some valuable information, particularly about shamanism and how it relates to the ancient Egyptian culture and religion. It also includes a demonstration of Alchemical Healing. Although the demonstration was facilitated for Julie's chronic low back pain, it is also directed to anyone in the audience suffering from chronic pain. As part of the demonstration I open the viewers' hands and guide those that wish to participate in the healing so that they can learn some basic healing techniques and the few rules that are required to begin working with the form. I'm looking forward to getting feedback from anyone who takes part in the demonstration. This interview also includes a bit of my history and stories. It is about 55 minutes (almost a half hour longer than intended). I'm not sure yet when it will be aired, but you can find out when you register at http://thedharmacircle.com/Nicki I just talked with Julie. We taped the interview a few weeks ago, and her back is still pain free!! I hope you join the call and get some healing as well… Unleashing Your Wild Gypsy Soul— free video summit October 24 to November 18. (Nicki Scully tentatively November 9) http://wildgypsysoulsummit.com/NickiScullyI will be sending a solo announcement for this summit, as the interview we did was quite fun and has some new stories (of my wilder days), and an especially interesting demonstration of Alchemical Healing, during which I initiate the audience to access the Universal Life Force Energy and teach everyone how to help me do a healing that is received by all those who wish to lower their pain levels, regardless their cause or the length of the pain's existence.. We enjoyed recording this interview and I am pleased to share it with you. I invite you to join me and over 21 other presenters as we reflect on the wildness of our current soul's journey. Beginning on October 24th you can listen to one interview per day for almost a month as we create deep conversations, transformations, and alchemy. Paula is considering November 9, the day after election, for my interview, which will be available at that time (and again at the end of the Summit) for 48 hours. Although I have not heard the other interviews, Paula tells me that like in mine, there will be step-by-step tools, techniques and strategies to help you heal your soul and manifest your desires. There are also free gifts. It is my hope that this summit will prove to be paradigm shifting for those who participate. To register for this free event, click on http://wildgypsysoulsummit.com/NickiScully Discovering the Power of Shamanic Communication: 4 Sacred Practices to Access & Express Higher Wisdom Through Ceremony with Lynn AndrewsOctober 18 at 5:30pm Pacific Time.
Since I started writing this newsletter the weather has changed again. Our power went out last night from a downed tree, and today there were three tornadoes and hurricane force winds on the Oregon coast. The worst of the storm is just starting now, and will reach its height tomorrow, Saturday, bringing record wind and rains. Between the natural cataclysms and our electoral debacle, we find ourselves between a rock and a hard place. Regardless of what sort of maelstrom is happening around your life or your community, it's important to remember there is always the potential for miracles. What kind of miracle would ring your bell? If the future of our world is anywhere on your list, PLEASE VOTE! Please tell your children and/or parents and siblings to vote. Please tell your friends to vote. Tell the panhandler on the corner how important his or her vote is. I'd like to close with a quote from my friend Lois on my Facebook page: “We are witnessing a huge world power shift from patriarchy to matriarchy, via Hillary Clinton. In these times we are in the birth canal of a saner world ~ there may be some horrendous pain, but things will be better when it's over.” Blessings of abundant love, health, safety and humor, |
www.shamanicjourneys.complanetaryhealingbook.comtheanubisoracle.com (free readings available)becominganoracle.com (sample journey available)Private phone or Skype sessions with NickiFor updated events and a full schedule, please go to our schedules page.Shamanic Journeys, Ltd.
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