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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter
Dear Friends,

I saw my first daffodil blooming yesterday in my front yard. Amazing! I'd send a photo but I'm in Boulder doing a TV interview with Regina Meredith for her show, Open Minds on Gaia TV. I'll let you know when and where it will be aired. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying visiting with friends I rarely get to see. It's supposed to be in the 70s tomorrow, which is wonderful.

Congratulations are in order— thank you, thank you!!!! I finally got my manuscript for Sekhmet—Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess off to the publisher, Inner Traditions International/Bear & Co. on Valentine's Day, and am just now sending the final tidbits they need to move forward. It looks as though it will be available in the spring of 2017.

As I look at the upcoming events, the theme that moves through all our offerings this year is mysteries. Just what are the mysteries and why are they so important? To learn the mysteries is an outstanding and rewarding endeavor, yet the more we fully comprehend sometheing, some of the magic disappears as the knowledge becomes science and the magicians become technicians. Modern science, along with synchronicity, is becoming one of the strongest validations for the magical, mystical, experience. It also contains the knowledge and/or theories that can provide articulation that assuages the right hemisphere of the brain, which allow many people a richer experience of shamanic journeys. The kind of guided visualizations that we do in our courses provide access to the direct experience from Source, be it your own High Self, the god or goddess. an archangel, or power animal. And if we hit it out of that park, you might experience an infinite moment of All, or God, or whatever you call that experience of total presence and oneness where there is no separaation.

It is with deep gratitude that I honor my teacher, Thoth, and the lessons he gives with such humor and grace. I hope you will join us in one of our upcoming events, retreats, or journey to Egypt, so that you can enter the mystery and feel the magic. It makes life so much more worth living...

There are a few events coming up to put into your calendar:

Las Vegas!

First, Normandi Ellis and I are going to be in Las Vegas next month for an interview with Jeffrey Mishlove for his TV show, Thinking Allowed. This is providing us with some wonderful opportunities to reconnect with the vital and magical spiritual community that is thriving in the midst of the neon madness that usually comes to mind when one thinks of Las Vegas:

Our dear friend, Katlyn Breene, is sponsoring us for an evening presentation and book signing on Friday, March 18, during which we will discuss our book, The Union of Isis and Thoth, Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt, and include at least one of the experiential rites. Because our book was designed with a continuity that builds upon itself, we will offer an initiation that can stand alone and provide the tools and experiences that feel appropriate in the moment, consistent with the energy of the evening. The address and directions will be sent with receipt of your registration. Details and Registration here…

Golden Lotus Electric Incense HeaterBy the way, Katlyn is not only an amazing artist, musician and priestess, she creates the best incense and related products imaginable. Her company is called Mermaid Arts. Check it out! I particularly recommend her electric incense burner, which I use in my temple and my home.

Shelia ZAnother of our priestess friends in Las Vegas, Sheila Stirling, aka Sheila Z is sponsoring our full day workshop on Sunday, March 20 (10am-5pm). During our workshop we will cover much more of the work in the book, and perhaps some new initiations that have come since, yet are related to the work of building and maintaining yourself as a vessel for the divine. Sheila is also providing space for us to give private sessions on Thursday and Saturday.

After the Sunday workshop, Sheila will be leading a Vernal Equinox ceremony at Calico Canyon at 6/6:30 and lasts about an hour.

Sheila is also offering a 2-hour workshop in Las Vegas February 26th from 6 – 8:30pm: Living a Vibrant Life - Deeper into the Well-ness *What will bring down inflammation without drugs? *What will lower your blood pressure Naturally, *How can you help regulate your blood sugar, *What foods can you use as medicine? What Herbs? * What tests you may need, your MD will not tell you about? *Hundreds of answers & so much more. The details of just how and what to do to avoid disease. The Workshop will be held at Luminosity Wellness Center Las Vegas, Nevada, 2400 N Tenaya (Tenaya & Smoke Ranch)

For more information, please visit: Or please call Dr. Sheila Z at 702-227-9415

I hope you will join us if you can, and if you know anybody who lives in the area around Las Vegas, please let them know we are coming.

Virtual Book Launch Party

Remember the launch party that had to be delayed? Well it's time for take-off! All our technical glitches have been solved (we hope). The new date and time is Wednesday, March 30, 4:30-6:30pm Pacific time. We will be on a conference call for two hours, during which we can talk about our book, answer questions, give readings, and take you on at least one initiatory journey. We will also give a party favor to each person who comes to our party—a private link to a recording of a hymnal with the hymns and invocations that she and I wrote for our book. Please join us for a casual, joyful and informative evening.

For more information and to register for this FREE event:

Nicki and Normandi

19th Annual Egyptian Mysteries Retreat & Workshop

With Normandi Ellis and Nicki Scully
Part 1: Portland: August 19-21
Part 2: Eugene: August 24-28

Since we are mostly talking about Egypt related events, Normandi and I are doing our Egyptian Mystery School retreat differently this year. The first part will be the consecration of an Egyptian Star Temple in Portland from August 19 – 21, followed by our retreat at my home/center/ temple in Eugene from Wednesday, August 24 to Sunday, August 28. During the weekend workshop in Portland, we will activate the land that has been prepared in a sacred manner, using the tools and maps that Normandi and I have so meticulously researched and developed in our eighteen prior Egyptian mystery school retreats and seven journeys to Egypt together.

For the Egyptian Mysteries Retreat, we plan to do some of the work from our new book that we have not shared in past mystery schools, although we will not know the entire content of this retreat until we are given the information from Thoth, usually within a couple of weeks before the retreat begins. After all, it is a mystery for us, too, and if we knew we would probably try to figure out what we are supposed to do rather than let it happen spontaneously, which is how the mysteries have come to us in the past.

In Portland: Friday evening, August 19 from 7pm until complete (about 10pm) Saturday 10am to 6pm Sunday 10am to 4pm.

Each of these evetns, the workshop in Portland and the retreat in Eugene, are stand-alone or can be combined. If you choose to participate in both events (they do tie into each other), you will recieve a discount.

Each is a stand-alone event, however, you can also sign up to participate in both events as they will tie into each other.

Online Registration Here…

Shamanic Journeys in Egypt

April 21 - May 5, 2016
Astral Egypt: Living and Dreaming Together, An Egyptian Mysteries Tour with Normandi Ellis & Indigo Rønlov

November 26 – December 10, 2016
Living Hotep: Manifesting Peace Within and Without with Normandi Ellis & Indigo Rønlov

There is still room in the April Egypt tour with Normandi and Indigo Rønlov. It's happening! And it will be a truly magical experience for all who are attending, so if you are called to Egypt, now is the time! For information and to register, go to: Astral Egypt: Living and Dreaming Together

Alchemical and Planetary Healing Intensive

with Nicki Scully and Indigo Rønlov

I think you already know about the Alchemical and Planetary Healing Intensive retreat August 1 - 8 in Eugene.

Details and Registration Here…

Please let your friends in and around Las Vegas know that Normandi and I will be there. Thank you.

I hope to see you at one of our events soon.

Blessings and love, Nicki


Email Newsletter Services by xnau
