Dear Friends,
As the morning light brightens, I am met with the soft silence of great flakes of snow falling gently from a sky the same color as the rooftops and the fluffy white blanket that is forming on the leaves of bushes and trees. I feel deep gratitude for the warm, cozy home that surrounds and protects us from the outside chill. (By afternoon the snow had melted and as I finished this newsletter, it's cold and clear. Such are the dramatic changes in weather as in life these days.)
This New Year is likely to bring major changes for me, in terms of what I will be doing. My desire to spend more time at home with Mark, and yet also spend time with my children and grandchildren are changing my priorities. So far it's looking like I can have it all, if I am careful in what I choose to do. My next conference is Women of Wisdom in Seattle, which puts me close to our daughter Elizabeth's family, where Elianna and Luke bring us great joy. Ben's sons Marcus and Alex live nearby, and we hardly get to see them because I've been away so much, yet with Sage and Blue on the East Coast, I find myself contriving to continue going to Egypt so I can take in visits both on the way and on the way back. So much for the retirement I had intended last year… Yet I promised myself, and particularly my body, that I would slow down more and travel less. It's a quandary that I'm still working on.
I love sharing what I love, and the creative juices continue to flow, bringing in new ideas and reminding me of older, yet no less important tools. I am finding my way, and hoping to develop an alchemical and shamanic healing and mystery school that I can deliver on tele-web-skype seminars, which I fully enjoy. New technology allows us to have deep and meaningful experiences in the comfort of our homes, and I have engaged my close friend, Camile Cole, to bring me into the 21st century by helping me set up the most up-to-date systems to create such a school. I will keep you informed as we move forward.
Meanwhile, it's time for the next Planetary Healing Call to Action. As always, there is much happening in the world that is worthy of our collective intention. We've decided to narrow our focus for this Call to Action to address one thing that affects us all, all the time, no matter where we are—the weather. 2012 was not only our warmest year on record, the United States also broke another record for the most storms with damages over $1 billion. China is enduring its coldest winter in nearly 30 years. Russia is freezing. Brazil is feeling the grip of a major heat wave, and fires are raging across Australia. How can we work together to assuage the consequences of climate change?
When you register, please add your comments and suggestions. To learn more about our Calls to Action, go to where you can hear podcasts of past calls.
SekhmetSekhmet: In the Belly of the Goddess
Egyptian Mysteries Tele/web/Skype Class with Nicki Scully
All classes held from 5-7pm PST, 8-10pm EST:
Thursday, January 24
Monday, January 28
Thursday, January 31
Monday, February 4
One of my favorite and most popular Egyptian Mysteries classes is Sekhmet—In the Belly of the Goddess. As we live the changes that are available in the new world we are creating, there will always be stumbling blocks, challenges that force us to grow and learn and maintain the impeccable lives we have resolved to live.
In this workshop, you are invited to drink deeply of the nectar of the Goddess, and awaken to renewed life! Sekhmet's name means Power, the Mighty One. She is the feminine face of the sun, the Lady of Flame. During this time of planetary peril, she is calling for recognition and wishes to empower all who respond to her call. Known to all traditions, her myths and legends are as old as time. Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess of both destruction and healing is the feminine fire that transforms; she is also the quintessential compassionate healer. Sekhmet's name is resounding from the lips of men and women who are actively reclaiming their power.
During the eight hours of phone time, and with some homework (mostly paying attention!) you will transform your deepest and most contentious habit patterns. Sekhmet will also help direct you toward fulfilling your sacred purpose, your reason for being on the planet at this time.
See my article In The Belly of the Goddess to learn more about Sekhmet and what we will be doing in this class.
To register for the class click here: Please register right away so that I can mail a small piece of sculpting wax to you, which you will need for the class.
21st Annual Women of Wisdom Conference in Seattle
February 14 -18, 2013
Saturday Evening Featured Presentation
February 16 ~ 7:30 – 10:30pm
Open to Men
Normandi Ellis and I will be leading the Saturday ceremonial ritual: Meeting at the Well ~ Making Spirit Medicine for Personal and Planetary Healing. This Planetary Healing Ceremony is designed to empower participants to recognize themselves as both the medicine and the medicine maker. It is accomplished through song, guided visualization, and direct interaction with spirit world. Pam Gerke, Alexa MacDonald and the Women of Wisdom Choir will assist with this process, and there will be Native American Story telling by Bibiana Acheta and friends.
Nicki will be presenting Personal and Planetary Alchemical Healing Workshop for Women Sunday, February 17 ~ 9:00am – 4:30pm
We are in the midst of a massive global shift. How do we transform these changes into opportunities for personal, community and global healing? During this workshop I will guide us through these changes and offer Alchemical Healing and shamanic tools from my latest book, Planetary Healing: Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation. In order to participate in consciously co-creating our future, we need these tools to help us adapt to and survive the toxic environment we've created while we engage in spontaneous evolution and DNA repair. We will explore the oracular dimension of time to experience and align with our potential future as fully realized humans, and I will share powerful shamanic journeys and initiations to catalyze deep transformation, healing, and the development of new solutions.
Normandi Ellis has a special pre-conference two-day Egyptian Mysteries Workshop, Wednesday and Thursday, February 13 and 14.
Please visit for more information and to register for the conference.
Visionary Pilgrimage to Egypt with Martina Hoffmann & Nicki Scully
Curandera by Martina HoffmannThis is exceptional tour will be exciting for any of you who wish to study painting with Martina Hoffmann while floating down the Nile on our luxurious dahabaya and sharing in the Mysteries with me. Martina has been in Europe for the last several months and we find ourselves at the last minute with several openings. This is an amazing opportunity, however you would have to contact me right away. If you are not familiar with Martina's work, please see her website:
You can register your interest for this Visionary Pilgrimage here or phone my office at 541/484-1099. This will be an extra-ordinary group, and I will need to speak with each applicant personally, so please include your phone number. We will need to purchase our tickets in the next couple of weeks to ensure our flights, so please don't delay.
Nicki, Gloria and NormandiNormandi Ellis and Gloria Taylor Brown—Goddess Tour of Egypt
With the completion of the 2012 planetary initiation, we enter a new cycle of planetary energy which, as set forth in the Mayan calendar, offers a resurgence of the manifest energies of the Goddess. On this tour of Egyptian temples and touchstones, you will find the Divine feminine in the ancient sites and examine the ways in which a renewed connection to the Hierogamos can lead us into true partnership with the physical and spiritual world. Normandi and Gloria will be your priestess guides throughout this magical adventure.
We will use this opportunity to go beyond our current understanding of feminism while exploring the Myths of Isis. We will also explore the concept of hieroglyphic thinking, symbols, and higher states of consciousness, using the symbols found in our dreams as well as within the Books of the Afterlife. We will examine the sacred numbers, colors and architecture of the temples of Egypt, as we weave a New Dream for ourselves, our families, and our planet. This tour includes 14 days in Egypt and two tele-conference classes in advance of the tour—one for orientation and the other to discuss working with dreams.
For more Goddess Tour information, click here…
I offer the following article from Normandi Ellis, my dear soul sister with whom I will be doing several events this year. This excerpt is from her newest book and you can find it on our website, along with her other fabulous books on Egypt.
Creation, Ma'at and Evolving States of Consciousness
Except from Imagining the World into Existence by Normandi Ellis, ©2012 Bear & Company
Creation stories remind us that in the beginning the Divine Creator had a plan. The Judeo-Christian version of that plan called it the Garden of Eden. The rest of the story tells us how close to or how far from we may find ourselves to that place of perfection. For the ancient Egyptians, humans originated when the divine plan for heaven and Earth was set in motion by Atum, whom I envision as the first atom of vibration from which all else emanates.
The gods and goddesses, neteru to the ancient Egyptians, become evident and vibrant, then, in all of the natural world. The Copts came to call the neteru, "netcher." The Greeks deemed it nature. All of life reverberates according to the energies of the laws of nature. The foundation of every temple and the purpose of every life was to live in accordance with and as an embodiment of that cosmic pattern. Every pharaoh agreed to uphold the laws of order known as ma'at. [read the rest here…]
Click here to see Normandi Ellis' books, including her book co-written with Gloria Taylor-Brown, Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt.
Alchemical Healing Level I with Dea Lisk & Rev. Indigo Rønlov
February 9-10 & 13* (The 13th is an optional practice time)
Saturday, February 9 ~ 9:30am – 6pm
Sunday, February 10 ~ 9:30am – 5pm
Wednesday, February 13* ~ 6pm – 8:30pm
This comprehensive healing course combines diverse and innovative techniques that are practical and applicable in today's world for physical healing and therapeutic counseling. All people desiring self healing and increasing their capacity to heal others will find this a powerful and transformative experience. Counselors and therapists wishing to learn these techniques will find this unusual approach exciting as well as effective.
For more information about Alchemical Healing, please visit our Classes page.
$225, includes Sat/Sun lunch. Call or e-mail for more information and to register.
Nicki and Normandi in EgyptEgyptian Mysteries Retreat June 20-24
Spend this year's summer solstice exploring the Great Works of Thoth during this Egyptian Mysteries Retreat with Nicki and Normandi Ellis in Eugene. Based on the work we did on our most recent tour in Egypt we will be moving forward and deeper into the mysteries of Thoth and Isis. We will bring the energies expressed in the sacred sites and temples of Egypt home, so that wherever we stand, wherever we are, the power of these mysteries is accessible to us. Although the breadth of what we will cover is still a mystery, and details are rarely revealed until before and during the retreat, we know we will enter new portals into ancient teachings. If you are interested in exploring these mysteries with us please register as soon as possible as these retreats tend to fill quickly. Register before May 1st to take advantage of our Early Bird Discount.
Price: Early Bird - $988 After May 1st- $1,288
Private Sessions ~ Special Offers
I will be available for a limited number of private sessions at home or via phone or Skype between now and mid March. They can include Alchemical Healing, shamanic consultation, and/or readings from the Anubis Oracle. I will also offer custom created rites of passage or initiations to jumpstart or help people who are working with my books. You can register here or call for an appointment. I will be offering a special price of $125 for first timers, and $100 for returning clients between now and March 1.
I hope you are enjoying the longer days. It's quite noticeable here, as it gets light much later in the mornings already. I hope to see you soon in person or in phone-space.
Blessings and Love,
Nicki Scully