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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

I hope this letter finds you basking in magic! This has been quite an eventful year, including my Spring Egypt tour with Normandi Ellis, the birth of my new granddaughter, Blue Rose Cohl, the completion and upcoming publiction of our new This year's Egyptian Mysteries retreatbook, Planetary Healing, the Oregon Country Fair, the Egyptian Mysteries Retreat here at my home with Normandi, and finally the new and wonderful Gaia Festival in Laytonville last weekend.

Having taken my injured back as far as I can for the last four years, I have finally made the decision to have surgery to repair the damage. I am going into the hospital this Tuesday morning, August 16th, for a bi-lateral decompression laminectomy to relieve the pressure on the nerves in my spine at L4-L5. Any healing and energetic support and prayers you choose to send my way will be greatly appreciated. Because I will not be using the computer for some time, please don't respond to this email. I have cleared my calendar of all events through October (please note: my class at Hollyhock has been postponed, as have my presentations at the International Alchemy Conference and Earthdance). The International Alchemy Conference in Long Beach and Earthdance, which has been moved to Vallejo this year, are wonderful events and I highly recommend that you attend them if you can.

We just received copies of a new book that I have been awaiting for quite some time: Heart of the Sun, An Anthology in Exaltation of Sekhmet. The Egyptian goddess Sekhmet's name means Power, or The Mighty One. She is the feminine face of the sun, and one of the most important archetypal figures of our time. My contribution takes readers to the chapel at Karnak where she has stood for 3,500 years. There you will feel her fierce compassion and receive an initiation or teaching directly from this powerful healing goddess. I will be using this book as part of my personal healing journey. The list of contributors to this anthology is stellar and their personal experiences, hymns and invocations will be "just what the doctor ordered!" Click here to read more and to order your signed copy from our on-line store.

My husband Mark Hallert's and my new book Planetary Healing, Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation, is going to press within this next week and will be available to purchase sooner than anticipated, probably by the end of September. You can learn more about and pre-order copies on our website and we will sign them for you as soon as we have copies.

Regarding Egypt— 2012 is going to be a rich and eventful year on a number of levels. All signs point to Egypt as a pivotal place from which to support this extraordinary opportunity for a shift in the collective consciousness of our species, and the healing of our planet. I am excited to announce that I have two tours planned for 2012. This is where I will be for the next month or so…The first I am co-leading with Alex and Allyson Grey in February 2012, and the second will be a writing and Egyptian mysteries tour with Normandi Ellis in October 2012. (see details about both these tours below).

I look forward to being in touch with all of you as I feel able, and hopefully we will do some classes and private sessions via phone/web/skype conferencing this Fall. I will be embarking on a promotional tour for our new book in November, and will announce those appearances in the next newsletter. I look forward to a successful surgery and speedy recovery, and hope to see you all soon.

Blessings and Love,
Nicki Scully

Allyson, Nicki and Alex on the 2009 trip to EgyptPilgrimage to Egypt

with Alex Grey, Allyson Grey and Nicki Scully

February 12 ~ 26, 2012

Our first tour in 2009 was so wildly popular (and we had so much fun) that we have decided to do it again! During this two-week pilgrimage we will be enjoying a seven-night cruise on the Nile on our own private sailing yacht/art studio, along with private visits to sacred sites including The Great Pyramid, the Sphinx and the Temple of Isis at Philae, among others.

Complete information and itinerary on…

I am particularly excited to be hosting this shamanic journey with visionary artists and philosophers Alex and Allyson Grey. I have long been inspired by Alex's work, and have delighted in contributing to a number of full moon soirées at his magnificent Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors (CoSM). Deeply moved by the depth and spectrum of the sacred art that graces this temple, I have recognized it as an intersection point where many traditions interact to thin the veils between dimensions. The rites I've offered there seem to attract a unique power, sourced from a deep well of ancient, even pre-dynastic Egypt, and mostly related to the Osiris and Anubis mysteries. When we were last in Egypt together, all who participated recognized the profound nature of the magic that presented itself, and the rites and initiations express the deep connection Alex, Allyson and I have with the source of the Egyptian mysteries and each other. I can't wait to see what rites manifest themselves through our next collaboration, and how they influence future visionary art and the sacred spaces they adorn, as well as transformation for ourselves and the circle that comes together to share in this magic.

Interested? Register here and receive an information packet and updates on this tour.

Nicki and Normandi in EgyptAn Egyptian Mysteries Journey to Egypt

with Normandi Ellis & Nicki Scully

October 20 ~ November 3, 2012

This past March, Normandi and I took a group to Egypt and experienced a new level of the Mysteries. Turned on by the information, rites, and initiations that came through on this tour, we decided to do an Egyptian Mysteries retreat, which was concluded a few weeks ago at my home here in Eugene. This new body of work is developing beyond our wildest dreams, and we realize that the book that we have always wanted to write together is coming in through these teachings. We can't wait to receive and share the next level of these mysteries, and are planning a tour to Egypt in order to facilitate and possibly complete this process. Under the tutelage of Normandi, we will journal our experiences and learn writing techniques that will excite novice writers and professionals as well.

Normandi's newest book, co-authored with Gloria Taylor Brown, Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt, was written by and with the participants of a tour that happened two years ago, and will be published this fall.

Full details of this trip to be announced soon.

Register here and receive an information packet and updates on this tour.

Heart of the Sun: An Anthology in Exaltation of Sekhmet

Edited by Candace C. Kant and Anne Key

Preface by Normandi Ellis

Contributions by Nicki Scully, Normandi Ellis, Gloria Taylor Brown, Barbara Hand Clow, Hank Wesselman and other great writers

"A feast of poems, hymns, invocations, guided meditations, translations, inscriptions, testimonies, channelings, rituals and short essays mostly, but not exclusively, by women who have been personally and passionately touched by an ancient goddess in contemporary times. For those who love Sekhmet 'the powerful female' among the neter of Egypt, this book is invaluable. For those who do not know this 'Mistress of Life', this work presents the invaluable as a meaningful and restorative goddess for today's world – and one with a name!"
—Michael York, author, Pagan Theology: Paganism as a World Religion

Available for purchase on Hathor's Mirror


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