Report from Egypt:
Many of you requested updates on the tour that Normandi Ellis and I co-led in Egypt this past March, but there was simply no time to write during the tour itself, as we were fully engaged in the magic of our experience. I do feel that a report is in order, however, not so much to describe the unique magic of this tour, but to remind people that Egypt, regardless of what the media is reporting on the uprisings in the Middle East, remains tourist friendly and peaceful.
These young women were participants in the revolution at Tahrir SquareAll but two of the participants decided to trust in the magic and travel to Egypt despite concerns of family and friends, and the two that cancelled were replaced at the last minute by a young couple that was grateful for the opportunity to join. At the same time, another group that I had arranged a tour for had 34 participants who all chose to continue with their travels. Our two groups turned out to be among the first groups to return to Egypt, and for that we were rewarded with exceptional treatment that affected both our accommodations and our itineraries. Everything got better! Of course, traveling on the Afandina, our private dahabeya, doesn't get any better— yet to have the Nile virtually to ourselves is a rare treat. We sailed peacefully and at a leisurely pace, stopping to visit villages and temples, and docking on islands in the middle of the river. Even better than that, the temples and other monuments were nearly empty as well. Imagine having Karnak without crowds at the perfect time of day, when the temperature was just right! At no time did we feel any concern for our safety or anything but a warm welcome from the Egyptian people.
Here is a note from one of the tour participants about her experience in Egypt:
We returned from our spiritual sojourn to Egypt March 23rd, 2011.
Yes, we went in spite of the fears of family and friends that it is dangerous at this moment in history. This was far from true for us, and it turned out to be a powerful, wonderful time to travel to Egypt! The people are hopeful and proud, and greeted us with love, gratitude, and the words "welcome home". They believe we are all Egyptian and they are aware that they have lit the light of transformation for the world.
We were Ninja Shamans, practicing our Spiritual activations/initiations inside the sacred temples and monuments throughout the country. We kept the focus of our awakened hearts and empowerments to support and help the Egyptian people as well as the unfolding world crises, and our personal transformation.
—Walking like an Egyptian, Valerie
Join Me in Egypt, October 10 - 24
This fall I will be leading a tour to Egypt, sailing the Nile on our private dahabeya and exploring the ever unfolding Egyptian Mysteries and their relevance for these shifting times.
This tour is carefully crafted to ensure the safety of our group, and to give us the privacy we need to accomplish our spiritual goals. There is no place like Egypt, and no doorway like the one we will enter together. If you have ever dreamt of experiencing Egypt, now is the perfect time. I am available to personally discuss this tour with anyone who is seriously interested. For details, see this page, or call me at my office, 541-484-1099
Danielle Rama Hoffman & Dr. Friedemann Schaub also has a few places available on their tour this November.
I will be available for a limited number of private Alchemical Healing, shamanic consulting, and Anubis Oracle readings during the next couple of weeks.
Exploring the Great Work: An Egyptian Mysteries Retreat
Eugene, July 22-28
And for those of you who continue to dream of Egypt, but can't get there this year, Normandi Ellis (author of six books, including Awakening Osiris and Dreams of Isis) and I will be hosting an Egyptian Mysteries retreat for six days in July, here at my home/center in Eugene, Oregon. Join us for an intensive exploration of the ancient Egyptian teachings in a new, modern context. Follow Thoth, the lunar god of wisdom, and learn how the ancients worked with natural laws that enhanced their abilities to create opportunities for magic to happen, and how that work can prepare us for the next stage of our evolutionary process.
Join Nicki and Normandi in a One-Hour Free conference call to learn more about this exciting workshop. Register Here…
Here is a note from Normandi about what we plan to accomplish during our retreat:
Nicki and I just returned from 15 days of magic in Egypt, the land which is the cradle of our earthly and other-worldly states of consciousness. In this day and time beset by modern problems, we contemplate how to work inside the waves of grief which have accompanied the tsunami, turmoil and the rebellion against oppression worldwide. How do we citizens of the world envision ourselves stepping fully into the possibility of transformative, prayerful and affirmative awareness that has the potential to change the vibration of this planet? At the very least our explorations have the ability to change our consciousness and the consciousness of those around us.
The work that Nicki and I did in Egypt turned us toward a deeper understanding of the way the ancient mysteries still live within us. And it gave us a taste of what we will do during the Egyptian Mysteries Retreat this year; working with Thoth to explore the nine states of consciousness as understood by the Egyptian initiates and applying those insights to help us step fully into life in a world beyond 2012. Please join us in Eugene this July. We invite you to share with us your experiences during this powerful and poignant moment in our planet's evolution and history.
—Normandi Ellis
For more information on the Egyptian Mysteries, here is an article by Normandi on What Egypt Has to Teach Us.
Awakening Alchemical Healing
Hollyhock Retreat Center in British Columbia, September 4 - 8, 2011
I will be teaching a five-day class on Alchemical Healing at the Hollyhock Learning Centre late this summer, September 4-8. The class is entitled Awakening Alchemical Healing and is an introduction to alchemy and shamanism and will include tastes of the Egyptian Mysteries and the Planetary Healing work that are at the cutting edge of our comprehensive healing form.
Alchemical Healing is a comprehensive healing form created by Nicki Scully during more than 20 years of research. In her groundbreaking book, Alchemical Healing, a Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine, this form is described in detail and the reader is guided through empowerments and clear instruction in order to practice healing on themselves and others. Powerful Alchemical Healing techniques weave spirit and matter, develop communications between divinity and humanity, transform experience into wisdom, and skillfully influence physical reality to achieve healing and transformation. Alchemical Healing permits entry into the magical realms of intuition and limitless knowledge. Through Alchemical Healing we consciously enter infinite depths from which we bring forth and translate our magical experience into effective healing action.
For more information, visit
Topics Covered include:
- Accessing infinite life force energy
- Rewiring of hands to the elements
- Working with plant and animal spirit allies
- Transforming fear
- Sacred purpose
- Empowerments and rituals
- Newest techniques in Alchemical and Planetary Healing
Here is a link to the course description and registration page in Hollyhock's online catalogue.
The Hollyhock Learning Centre is located on Cortes Island, off the coast of British Columbia, Canada. Hollyhock exists to inspire, nourish and support people who are making the world better, offering a vast array of educational programs, as well as a beautiful vacation spot in a spectacular coastal wilderness setting. Organic garden-inspired cuisine and cozy accommodations augment abundant opportunities for exploration and discovery, along with hot tubs and yoga classes! For more information on Hollyhock, click here.
New Free Online Oracle Reading on The Anubis Oracle Website: Entering The Mystery
The Anubis Oracle (by me and Linda Star Wolf) has become one of my most valued tools. I love to do readings, and I love the connection it gives me with the pantheon of Egypt. It's time for a new spread, and Entering The Mystery is coming up as being most relevant at this time. This layout is ideal when you have the intention to enter the mystery, or simply realize that you don't know where you are going at this time. It's also a good reading to utilize whenever you don't know what to ask: What's up for me at this time? Where am I headed now?
Please go to for your Entering The Mystery reading.
Please note: Author and healer Deborah King has a new book out called Be Your Own Shaman. It offers a step-by-step healing program that shows you how to tap into your inner power and revitalize your everyday self, with all the passion, energy and focus required to create the life you deserve. King combines ancient shamanic techniques with cutting-edge 21st-century medicine. PLUS if you buy Be Your Own Shaman, you can register online to receive a wide array of gifts from Deborah and her friends and colleagues (including a free download from Nicki!). Check out