Dear Friends,
I'm so excited! Becoming an Oracle is out and it’s available! And it might be my best work yet!
I recently received my first shipment of my latest project, Becoming An Oracle: Connecting to the Divine Source for Information and Healing, a seven CD set of journeys published by Sounds True. Gloria Taylor Brown and my husband, Mark Hallert visioned with me to bring this astonishing program into being. 
Becoming An Oracle is more than a workshop— it is an odyssey. The listener takes nineteen journeys, each a vision quest that is akin to a treasure hunt for oracular skills and access to the wellspring of knowledge and information that is at the source of all oracular traditions. In this program, you will experience oracular traditions all around the world (nineteen journeys, including fourteen cultures), starting and ending in Egypt. You can see the route at, then click on journeys/map. There is also a sample journey you can take to pay our respects to the Sphinx, perhaps the oldest man-made oracular device.
I’m really thrilled with this project, and equally excited about the new website Roland Barker is building for it. It still has some journeys, music and information that will be added, but I can’t wait any longer to show it to you.
Many of you have asked for my guided visualization journeys to be more available in audio format, and I think you will love these. Each is backed with wonderfully supportive music, mostly created by Bright Hawk, and the BrightHawk Oracle Orchestra, and which you can sample on the new website. Not all introductory notes and music samples are posted on the site as yet, but there are enough to get a taste of the diverse flavors you will encounter in this odyssey. Please visit the site, and let me know what you think. And of course, take advantage of the discounted price and get a dedicated signed copy at

Sekhmet—In the Belly of the Goddess
I have been a priestess of Sekhmet since I started taking groups to Egypt 20 years ago. No matter what reason people think they have for visiting Egypt, when they finally get to her sanctuary at Karnak and stand before her 3,500 year-old statue, everything is likely to change, instantly. It is the peak experience of almost everyone’s journey. Sekhmet’s name means Power, or the Mighty One. She is the feminine face of the sun, the Lady of Flame, and she is calling for each of us to show up, to stand in her fire, (or at least the glow of her radiance,) and participate in the shift that is happening for each of us, and for all of us, NOW. I truly believe that our survival depends on it.
Sekhmet—In the Belly of the Goddess is a teleclass and webcast starting June 4 during which participants commit to transform their most contentious habit patterns, obstacles, and/or inner conflicts. In response to Sekhmet’s call, I will offer it by web/telecast during the month of June. Please join me for two hours each Thursday evening starting June 4, from 5:30-7:30pm PDT (8:30-10:30pm EDT). For more information and registration, click here. For a recent audio broadcast in which I discuss Sekhmet and Hathor with KG Stiles, listen to the podcast.
My visionary friend and colleague Gloria Taylor Brown will be joining me for a free Introduction to the Egyptian Mysteries May 20 at 6pm PDT (9pm EDT) We will be discussing the neteru, the family of the Egyptian Pantheon, and why Egypt is so important right now. Click here to register.
Gloria will be offering a series of five classes called Shamanism 101, starting May 19. Gloria has just posted a beautiful new website, visit her at:
Everything is amping up this spring—the grass and flowers in the garden are growing so fast we can watch them get taller. My back is a bit better. I actually did some weeding and planting in my luscious garden. It promises to be more beautiful than ever this year, although I am greatly in need of a new gardener. Please have anyone you know in Eugene contact me right away if they have the skills and would love to work in our beautiful garden.
I look forward to hearing from you about the new Becoming an Oracle website and my Sekhmet work. I hope to see you in phone space or perhaps in person in Egypt or at one of my Summer events in Eugene.
Much love,
Join Nicki Scully and Gloria Taylor-Brown in a free teleclass by phone or webcast. This class will cover the basics of the Egyptian Mysteries and the pantheon of Egypt plus a discussion of the November trip to Egypt. Join in and find out what all the excitement is about…
You are invited to drink deeply of the nectar of the Goddess, and awaken to renewed life! Sekhmet’s name means Power, the Mighty One. She is the feminine face of the sun, the Lady of Flame. During this time of planetary peril, she is calling for recognition and wishes to empower all who respond to her call. Known to all traditions, her myths and legends are as old as time. Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess of both destruction and healing is the feminine fire that transforms; she is also the quintessential compassionate healer. Sekhmet’s name is resounding from the lips of men and women who are actively reclaiming their power.
During the eight hours of phone time, and with some homework (mostly paying attention!) you will transform your deepest and most contentious habit patterns. Sekhmet will also help direct you toward fulfilling your sacred purpose, your reason for being on the planet at this time.
Join us for four weekly 2 hour sessions: Thursdays, June 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th from 5:30 - 7:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time (8:30-10:30 PM Eastern Time). Tuition is $159.
Please register in plenty of time so that you can get the materials needed. I can send it to you for a small materials fee and shipping. Pre-registration is required, and space is limited.