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![]() The Art of Spiritual CompostingCharla HermannIt's all around us as the trees drop their leaves and the garden is turned to the winter phase. Little forms of Shamanic death are everywhere we look. The flowers have pretty much stopped blooming, and we can barely see the road for the wind blown limbs of trees and all forms of nature's droppings. Some of the wisest animals have burrowed in for the season and won't be back until February, along with the new leaves, flowers and blooms of spring. Somehow we know that is a truth. No matter what the Earth Changes news is, we seem to have a knowing in our heart that spring WILL return and we will be planting and harvesting all over again. YET, even in that knowing, there is a longing for reassurance that the things around us that we take for granted will remain loyal and do what we know is supposed to happen in each cycle of the moon. We look at the dogwoods and roses. We remind them as we trim them back, that we are expecting them to grow again next year, no matter what global warming does. We call to the bees and ask them to remember to buzz around the garden again, and the critters to raid the trash again. Because in our hearts and minds we KNOW that is what is supposed to happen. Nature taking its course over and over again. please read the whole article by clicking here… ![]() Sekhmet's Initiation: Unbridled AuthenticityDanielle Rama HoffmanSekhmet, the goddess of transformation, of solar feminine fire, is alive and well in Egypt. At the temple of Karnak she resides unmoved since her creation in a chapel dedicated to her triad: Sekhmet, her consort Ptah and their son Nefertem. Her black granite stone statue with a lioness head and a woman's body is activated, her eyes alive with the healing power of destruction. She carries the papyrus staff and wears the solar disc crown with the uraeus, the cobra of protection upon it. Sekhmet represents the raw power of knowing exactly who she is and owning her primal nature. In his-story she is called the Goddess of war and is known for her slaughter of humans during a time of chaos. Her-story includes the compassionate nature of destruction. The fierce protection of the mother is sometimes called to destroy in order to preserve well being. She is the compassionate healer. She is raw courage and power. She hunts down the thought forms behind dis-ease. Sekhmet stalks the distorted emotions that create unhappiness and breathes fire onto them, absorbing them back into nature and restoring balance to the whole. Her energy seems contradictory, like gentle discipline. Her message is that power doesn't always wear a smile. Sometimes it is fierce and loud—yet the deepest message of power she has to share is to be who you are without apology. You cannot take the lioness out of Sekhmet, she is not a domesticated cat, just like you can't take the primal nature out of you and still be you. Sometimes you may be called to transform that which is no longer serving you for your highest and best good. Sekhmet's empowerment is needed now. She is broadcasting her support, her love and her courage through the ethers with the intention to connect to those who are longing to be fuly authentic. Whether it is through a journey to Egypt or through an intention to connect to her she is offering an initiation into the self. the rest of the article by following this link. The Bridge for Healing Cancer presents an opportunity to participate in a group ritual conducted by Nicki Scully with the purpose of healing and transforming cancer. Whether you have cancer or want to assist and support those who are suffering from cancer, you are welcome to join our bridge. Participation is free; we ask that you register by sending an email to Our next scheduled Bridge for Healing Cancer will take place January 5 from 10AM to 11AM PDT. Alchemical Healing Levels I and II Phone Bridge Classes Nicki is now offering basic Alchemical Healing classes by phone so that those who can't find another teacher in their area, or can't come to her yearly intensive retreat have an opportunity to study Alchemical Healing with her. For more information click here. You may purchase registration online through our shopping cart, or email or call our office. The Level I Phone Bridge Class will take place January 8,10, 15 and 17 from 5:30PM to 7:30 PM PDT. The Level II Phone Bridge Class will take place January 29, 31, and February 5, 7, from 5:30PM to 7:30PM PDT. The Alchemical Healing Summer Intensive is an annual intensive practitoner training retreat held at Nicki's home/center in Eugene, Oregon. Three levels of Alchemical Healing and more will be covered in this 10-day retreat and clinic. This is a not-to-be-missed program for those who want to take their practice and understanding of Alchemical Healing to a new level, and who desire practitioner certification. You may purchase registration online through our shopping cart, or email or call our office. Alchemical Healing Intensive Retreat, July 25 to August 2. Shamanic Egyptian Mysteries Retreat is an annual event held in the beauty of the Lyceum of Shamanic Egypt, in Eugene, Oregon. Please join us for this enthralling eight-day mystery school retreat. Details can be found here. You may purchase registration online through our shopping cart, or email or call our office. The Shamanic Egyptian Mysteries Retreat will be held from August 23 - 30. Shamanic Journeys Sacred Travel to Egypt & PeruWe are your most experienced guides to the mysteries and initiations of Egypt. In 2008 we are offering four amazing pilgrimages to Egypt: ![]() The Prophets Conference Initiation in Egypt guided by Danielle Rama Hoffman. Travel with Robin and Cody Johnson of the Prophets Conference February 21 to March 5. Sacred Journey to Peru with Andean shaman Mallku and master herbalist Liisa Korpela. Tentative dates are May 21 to June 1. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. joins Nicki Scully for a weaving of science, shamanism and the Mysteries of Egypt. April 25 to May 10. Danielle Rama Hoffman and Dr. Friedemann Schaub lead a Spiritual Journey to Egypt. Experience Egypt with these two amazing teachers and healers. September 30 to October 15. Shamanic Pilgrimage to Egypt with the co-authors of Shamanic Mysteries of Egypt: Awakening the Healing Power of the Heart, Nicki Scully and Linda Star Wolf. Don't miss this rich experience of the rites and initiations in and beyond the book. October 31 to November 15. Please contact us by phone or email—soon—because all four of these trips are filling rapidly, and bookings must be completed 45 days before departure.
Hathor's Mirror Now OpenWe are pleased to announce the opening of our new web storefront, Hathor's Mirror. There, you will find all Shamanic Journeys' and Nicki Scully's books, CDs and other products, as well as registration and pre-payment options for all scheduled classes and events. We are also adding a growing selection of healthful and inspiring products offered by some of our friends. Please stop by and browse: Shamanic Journeys, Ltd.
The Shamanic Journeys/Alchemical Healing NewsletterThis newsletter is sent monthly to those wishing to stay current with Nicki Scully, Shamanic Journeys, and Alchemical Healing news and events. If you enjoy receiving these newsletters, please forward or share with a friend. You may add an email address to our list by entering it below. (A confirmation email will be sent before adding to the list.) If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please click the link at the bottom of the page.