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Entering the Temple of the Soul

Normandi Ellis & Nicki Scully

Sold Out: Waiting List Only

March 8 - 22, 2011

Reserve your place on this tour now:

Normandi Ellis is the author of six books, including two award-winning collections of fiction, Sorrowful Mysteries and Fresh Fleshed Sisters. Her spiritual autobiography Dreams of Isis has been the touchstone for many modern day seekers. For the last 20 years pilgrims throughout Egypt have regarded her translations of the Book of the Dead, Awakening Osiris, as the essential text for any pilgrimage through the ancient Egyptian temples.

Read Normandi's article: Why Spiritual Autobiography Matters: Exploring Words of Power

Read Gloria's article: My New Love Affair about the inspiration behind this special journey.

Tour Price…

See the Full Itinerary Here!

book cover of Awakening Osiris by Normandi Ellis

Thoth speaks:

The ibis and the ink pot – these are blessed. For as the ibis pecks along the bank for a bit of food, so the scribe searches among his thoughts for some truth to tell. All the work is his to speak, its secrets writ down in his heart from the beginning of time, the god’s words rising upwards through his dark belly, seeking light at the edge of his throat. We are made of god stuff, the explosion of stars, particles of light, molded in the presence of gods. The gods are with us. Their secrets writ only in the scrolls of men’s hearts, the law of creation, death and change inscribed in the blood and seed of man’s love. In the beginning and at the end, the book in opened and we see what in life we are asked to remember.

—From The Speeches, Awakening Osiris by Normandi Ellis

More about Normandi

See some of our sacred travel testimonials and reviews…

Read what a traveler has to say after FOUR TRIPS TO EGYPT WITH SHAMANIC JOURNEYS!

The dahabeya Afandina The Dahabeya Afandina

Colossi at Karnak Painting

Once I had a dream in which I was handed the scroll that was the story of my life and the lives of my family and friends. It was my task to sit in meditation and to write the truth of all these stories, to understand not only what happened, but how and why. More importantly, I had to understand my part in the stories of those who will come after. I was writing spiritual autobiography, tapping into the Akashic Record, conversing with the eternal flame within.

In the process of translating the hieroglyphs that become Awakening Osiris I was translating the thoughts and actions of my life into a spiritual form through concrete image and metaphor. Using the Egyptian Book of the Dead, I have found a way to create a sacred text of my life. And now I can read it not only in the hieroglyphs, but on the walls of art galleries, in the faces of family, in the movement of animals and the language of birds. I have learned to read the neteru, the divine inside all of nature. And I can teach this to you.

Please come with me for a journey of contemplative exploration in Egypt, to celebrate our ancient history on this planet, to visit the temples of our brothers and sisters in light, and to write and share our stories. This is the true unfolding flower of love that connects us all. Peace to you.

Ankhem ma’at.

Maximum 16 participants for this tour.

Nicki, Normandi and GloriaNicki, Normandi and Gloria in Egypt, 2006

Tour Pricing

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The price for this tour package, including international round trip airfare from New York, is $6688 when paid by check or money order; the credit card price is $6948. The land-only cost of the trip for those not traveling with us from New York is $5988 (check/money order); $6213 (credit card).

A deposit of $1500 (paid by check or money order) is required to secure your position on this trip.

A payment of $1900 is due October 8th, 2010; $1900 is due November 8th, 2010; and the final balance of $1388 (check/money order) or $1648 (credit card) is due December 8th, 2010. This deposit is fully refunded if we cancel the trip for any reason. Otherwise, it is non-refundable except on an exceptional, case-by case basis. For our cancellation policy, please see our Terms and Conditions.

Please register early, as Egypt is a popular destination and accommodations must be arranged well in advance. Space is limited. Tour costs are based on a minimum of 14 participants, double occupancy, and are subject to change. All prices in US dollars.

PLEASE NOTE: In the event unexpected Hotel or Airline surcharges exceed our contingency budget these extra charges may be added to the tour cost.

Detailed information including terms, conditions, responsibilities and a packing and book list will be sent upon receipt of your deposit. Deposits must be paid by cash or check. Please send checks and make payable to: Shamanic Journeys, Ltd., PO Box 5025, Eugene, OR 97405. For further information, e-mail us. Payments made by cash or check will receive the above mentioned 5% cash discount.

For more information E-Mail us at  office (at)

Or contact: Shamanic Journeys, Ltd. PO Box 5025, Eugene, OR 97405 (800) 937-2991 or (541) 484-1099 Fax (541) 686-5960
