Alchemical Healing

Alchemical Healing Classes for 2022
Now Available:
Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess
By Nicki Scully, forewords by Normandi Ellis and Hank Wesselman, Ph.D.
Sekhmet is the lioness goddess of the Egyptian Pantheon, a fierce protector of truth, balance, and the cosmic order of Ma’at. Known and feared as the goddess of war and destruction, she also represents the transformative power of kundalini energy, or sekhem, and is the main goddess to harness this power for healing. As “She Who Comes in Times of Chaos,” she takes offerings of fear, rage, and weakness and transforms them into alchemical gold, the universal medicine for physical, emotional, and soul healing.
Get your signed copy on
Shamanic Practices with Nicki Scully
Interviewed on New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove
The Union of Isis and Thoth: Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt
by Normandi Ellis and Nicki Scully
In this initiatic guide to temple building on the spiritual and physical planes, Normandi Ellis and Nicki Scully explain how to create a communal spiritual structure for connecting with the ancient Egyptian pantheon as well as how to consecrate yourself and become a vessel suitable for divine wisdom and a home for your personal gods.
Personal and Planetary Alchemical Healing Intensive
Seven Day Retreat
With Nicki Scully and Indigo Rønlov
August 1 - 8
Eugene, Oregon
This year I am excited to offer a seven-day Alchemical and Planetary Healing Intensive retreat seminar. We have decided to consolidate the learning process in order to make it more accessible and with less travel required. The processes in our latest book Planetary Healing: Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation were initially created to expand the scope of Alchemical Healing beyond one-on-one healing to a larger scale, where it can affect groups and situations such as environmental degradation, diseases, conflicts and disasters.
19th Annual Egyptian Mysteries Retreat & Workshop
With Normandi Ellis and Nicki Scully
Part 1: Hillsboro (west of Portland, OR): Sunday August 21
Part 2: Eugene: Monday - Friday, August 22-26
Normandi and I are doing our Egyptian Mystery School retreat differently this year. The first part will be the consecration of an Egyptian Star Temple in Hillsboro on August 21st, followed by a retreat at my home/center/ temple in Eugene from Monday, August 22th to Friday, August 26th.
More Info and Registration Here?
Planetary Healing: Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation by Nicki Scully and Mark Hallert
- "The brilliant shamanic journeys in these pages connect the reader with the courage, compassion, and creativity so needed to birth a new world that works for us all."
~ Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
The book includes a guided journey and music CD.
Visit the new website, read and hear excerpts from the book and CD.
Listen to the podcast:
Introduction to Becoming an Oracle Teleclass
with Nicki Scully and Gloria Taylor Brown (click here)

Mysteries of Egypt, Awakening the Healing Power of the Heart
This fresh interpretation of the ancient Egyptian mysteries unites the heart and mind to help us remember our true nature as divine humans with sacred purpose. It guides readers through shamanic portals of death, rebirth, and illumination and gives us powerful tools for transformation. There are rituals, meditations, and rites of passage to help us meet our personal and planetary challenges with more grace, wisdom, and love. This is a book to be experienced as well as read. Please visit our online shop for all of Nicki's books, CD's and DVD's.
Read an excerpt from the book…
Star Wolf and Nicki were recently interviewed on Listen to the interview and read the book review. An excerpt from the first chapter and also the Glossary of the Gods can be found on on our articles page.
Alchemical Healing Podcasts and Video plus Radio Interviews with Nicki Scully
Experience Alchemical Healing in action through our acclaimed Phone Bridge for Healing Cancer available as audio programs on our Podcast Page. Also, Video interviews with Nicki from YouTube, including a powerful Caduceus Empowerment from Nicki's book, Alchemical Healing, A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine. Stay tuned for more Alchemical Healing media as we post a continuing series of empowerments and guided inner journeys for healing and personal transformation.
Nicki has been interviewed on numerous radio shows, and we are in the process of providing access to a complete selection of recorded broadcasts. Check our Radio Interviews page.

The Caduceus Empowerment
excerpted from Nicki's book, Alchemical Healing.
The current of intelligence that is flowing onto the planet at this time is informing us in many new ways, and providing diverse tools to help us to adapt and evolve more consciously. New healing forms and techniques abound, and each attracts those who are ready to implement them in their own unique ways. As I reflect on the potent tools that have come through Alchemical Healing over the past decade, the Caduceus Empowerment stands out as the single most comprehensive initiation/meditation/empowerment/practice that I have had the privilege of transmitting to the people who work with me. It opens all the energy circuits and establishes ongoing access to the infinite Universal Life Force Energy. It cleans, clears, and opens all the chakra centers. It opens the eyes in the palms of your hands as well as the third eye. It balances the energies of Earth and Sky, Above and Below, and masculine and feminine. And there's more…
Featured Shamanic Journeys Products

Power Animal Meditations: Shamanic Journeys With Your Spirit Allies by Nicki Scully
Nicki takes you into the spirit world of sacred totems and animal teachings from many cultures. Each of the 50 journeys in this book is exquisitely illustrated by Angela Werneke, the award-winning illustrator of Medicine Cards.

…And You Will Fly!: An Animal Circus Adventure
This children's story CD was created as a giveaway to kids facing life-threatening and terminal illness.These CDs are provided free to the children and caregivers of these children, and to centers and hospitals where the children are being cared for. Please let us know where this CD is needed, and it will be sent out right away. All proceeds from the sale of this CD will enable us to produce and give away more free ones. Please see our website for more information about this wonderful project.
“I am sorry about the delay in thanking you for his wonderful CD! Addison LOVES it and it made my heart so full watching his face as he listens to it. He loves to act it out in his room - at night, its his goodnight story. I really appreciate your generosity and loved hearing about your cousin. You have made a family very happy with your donation. Please let me know if you do any more of these story cd's as they are wonderfully creative.”
Sarah and Addison Kleinhans
FB group: Help Addison Kick This Thing
Note: Print editions of Becoming an Oracle are no longer available, however a download is available on the Sounds True website.
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