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Shamanic Journeys and Alchemical Healing Podcasts

Select the podcast you want to listen to below.

Alchemical Healing

This is an excellent intewrview with Nicki and one of the best descriptions of Alchemical Healing available.

Planetary Healing

Listen to Planetary Healing Calls to Action Hereā€¦

At the Sphinx, February 8, 2011

Sacred Travel to Egypt: Why Egypt?

Coversations with Tour Guides about their upcoming journeys.

Alchemical Healing Introduction

These podcasts make an excellent introduction to Alchemical Healing, featuring Nicki explaining AH to a phone class. Includes an Alchemical Healing empowerment.

Bridge for Healing Cancer

Listen and tap into the power of the ceremony. More about the Bridge for Healing Cancer here...

The Phone Bridge for Healing Cancer Podcasts page.

Bridge for Healing Fibromyalgia
