Nicki Scully with Mark Hallert and Alexa MacDonald
Indigo Rønlov & Debbie Clarkin
Nicki Scully with Mark Hallert and Alexa MacDonald
Normandi Ellis
Discover the Goddess mysteries of Ancient Egypt and harvest their splendor to celebrate the seasons of your life. This excerpt from Feasts of Light is titled The Inebriety of Hathor: Transforming Anger.
Normandi Ellis, from Awakening Osiris, The Egyptian book of the Dead
Alchemical Healing
by Otis Bass
Otis has been a participant in almost every Parabola Cancer for Healing Bridge in the last two years.
We need empowerments such as this one in order to maintain our balance as the chaos of these turbulent times swirls around us. I offer it to you in the spirit of the give-away in hopes that you are renewed and energized, and perhaps healed in the process. It is meant to be done again and again, and will continue to nourish and reveal its secrets to you in accordance with your attention.
Nicki Scully
Background and notes on a healer's battle with breast cancer.
Danielle Hoffmann
Alchemical Healing has two benefits: it is a powerful healing form and it opens a path of transformation for the practioner.
Nicki Scully
This article is a dedication to Thoth, a great teacher and mentor for Nicki, Jane, and their students for the Millennium issue of News from the Cauldron. It includes a meditation on the Caduceus.
Greg Okulove
An overview of Alchemical Healing, the comprehensive healing form developed by Nicki Scully and Thoth.
Egyptian Mysteries
excerpted from Nicki's book, Alchemical Healing; A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine
by Nicki Scully and Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
Nicki Scully's article in New Connexion Magazine November 2006
excerpted from Nicki's book, Alchemical Healing; A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine
Normandi Ellis
Discover the Goddess mysteries of Ancient Egypt and harvest their splendor to celebrate the seasons of your life. This excerpt from Feasts of Light is titled The Inebriety of Hathor: Transforming Anger.
Normandi Ellis, from Awakening Osiris, The Egyptian book of the Dead
Conscious Evolution
Excerpted from the Biology of Belief, Understanding the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles
by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
Excerpt from Talking with Ghosts in My Mother’s Kitchen by Normandi Ellis
Nicki Scully article in New Connexions Magazine November 2002
Nicki Scully
The tragic events of 9/11 provided the impetus to seek new and different solutions.
Gloria Taylor Brown
Come and join together in a glorious exploration of the universe.
Drumming for peace: I am but a drop of water, seeking my true river, to bring me home to the deep, rhythmic pulse and mystery of the sea of creation.
Gloria Taylor-Brown
Did you ever wish you knew the stories of your great-grandmother? Do you want your great-grandchildren to know your stories?
Normandi Ellis
How does the world begin? Storytellers in cultures throughout time devote themselves to answering that question by recalling the acts of divine creation. Their answers form an intricately woven, multicolored Jacobs coat. In the land of Egypt, the ancient priests recited several versions, each complementary story designed to highlight the various aspects of divine creative energy.
Nicki Scully & Jane Bell
Entering the New Millennium has been a great time to reflect on the deeper meanings of life. Who am I and how do I fit in the web of creation? How do I step out of my own way and learn what is my true calling? How can we ensure a positive life experience for future generations?
Nicki Scully
Exploration of consciousness brings us to the recognition of higher intelligence with which we can relate, commune, and eventually, co-create. As we become more aware of who we really are, we naturally gravitate to the practice of conscious evolution. This natural creative process brings into physical manifestation the increased awareness and understanding that we have gainedcollectively and individually.
Sacred Travel
Members of the November 2010 Journey to Egypt
Nicki Scully and Star Wolf
Normandi Ellis
Every man is an Osiris. A reflection on the ancient myths of Egypt and their relevance to our lives today.
Greg Okulove
On a recent trip to Egypt, I found myself almost instinctively placing my palms over certain hieroglyphics in the many temples I visited. It was as if I was being taught to read this ancient language through my hands. Even after so many centuries, these holy places vibrate with a palpable energy that is hard to describe.
Cynthia Gayle Clayton
Egypt irrevocably changed me. While her landscape and stories mirror the heavens, her energetic presence empowers humanity to consciously mediate heaven and earth. Her timeless land, people, and history enter your heart so subtly that I doubt any traveler ever truly leaves. I still dream that I am in Egypt. Her treasures reveal the mysteries of humanity: who we are, were, and will be.
Nicki Scully
Sacred travel in Egypt offers individual opportunities for spiritual growth and transformation. Because we go there to die to our old selves, it can be a true shamanic journey.
Nicki Scully
An update from the first day of our Fall 2001 Egypt tour, a day full of surprizes from our friendly Egyptian hosts.
Nicki Scully
My reflections of 2001 inevitably bring me back to Egypt, where my heart soars. Yet I also ache for those who, like so many here in our country, lost their means of support with the drop in tourism following the events of 9/11. Here is another postcard from my visit in October, 2001.
Christine Tice
The magic and mystery of the Terma tradition in Tibet