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The Shamanic Journeys and Alachemical Healing NewsletterThe Shamanic Journeys
and Alchemical Healing Newsletter

Add your name to the Shamanic Journeys and Alchemical Healing Newsletter, a periodic email newsletter with fascinating articles, latest news, classes, workshops and events. We also send infrequent news of events relevant to your area. You may easily unsubscribe to this mailing list at any time.

Note: If you wish to communicate with Nicki or the Shamanic Journeys staff, please email our office at the address below. Correspondence sent through this form may not be answered promptly.

We respect your privacy: This information is used only by Shamanic Journeys for our email newsletter and event announcements email list. Your info will not be shared, sold, or otherwise provided to anyone else. Questions? Email our office.

You may also register by contacting our office by email or by phone at (541) 484-1099

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