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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

photo of Mark and NickiDear Friends,

Wheeeee! What a ride! Only two weeks left before I head off for another adventure in the land of the Pharaohs, and I've got a book to finish. This compilation of visions, teachings, stories and knock-your-socks-off journeys, Planetary Healing for Spiritual Activists is the result of 25 years working and playing with my husband, Mark Hallert.

Even though I'm on the home stretch and am confident the complete manuscript will be in my publisher's hands about the time the pyramids come into sight, I still feel pressed for time. A heart-thumping blend of panic and excitement—and I love it!

In the middle of this, or perhaps because I am so focused on planetary healing, I'm keenly aware that something is creeping in, catching my notice and messing with my joy of life. It's politics and dirty tricks! As I write this, it seems that any attempts at thoughtful, transparent and compassionate governance are being met with attacks and deception. These negative forces are getting massive media attention and spending huge sums of money without having to disclose their sources. Spreading truth may be less interesting than using heavy-handed rhetoric and disseminating half-truths, but it is the most potent tool we have. is an unbiased website that can help us distinguish truth from falsehood, so that we can read more knowledgeably between the lies. Please educate yourself on the issues, and the people who are running, wherever you are. Spread truth as widely and as noisily as you can, and then vote from your heart and your conscience.


Egypt: I'm delighted to announce that my November tour to Egypt with Joan Borysenko is sold out, as is Danielle and Friedemann's February tour. If you are interested in traveling to Egypt with me, March 2011 is your time. I will be co-leading with Normandi Ellis, and there are only six places left. Normandi is one of the most superb writers I know; she can squeeze exquisite prose out of a turnip. This tour will combine writing with the mysteries in a way that takes makes the result more potent than either on its own. Please read her article below. For all the details, see this trip's webpage on


This will be my third year presenting at the Women's Visionary Congress, one of my favorite events. This year we will be gathering at The Institute for Noetic Science's retreat center in Petaluma, California, October 22—24. I hope you will join us there.


Back to the manuscript…

Blessings and love,

photo of Normandi EllisStepping Back in Time, Stepping Through our Personal Stories

Normandi Ellis

During my last trip to Egypt I fulfilled a dream that I first had when I began writing my book Awakening Osiris. I had envisioned my decade-long studies of the Egyptian Book of the Dead as a kind of personal excavation through the process of my spiritual unfoldment. Through the Egyptian spiritual traditions I saw how the soul longed to merge with the divine through the beauty of the natural world. I could see then that I wanted to use what I had learned in my studies to lead others to see their lives as filled with spirit, as sacred story.

In 2009 Gloria Taylor Brown and I co-facillatated 18 daring souls through the process of writing spiritual autobiography using the temple and tomb texts as models. We became symbolic thinkers as we worked through the images of our own lives as if we were deciphering the hieroglyphs written upon our souls. We were tapping into the akashic records, delving into the deep layers of spirit.

Late one afternoon, we disembarked on Elephantine Island. After having passed through a flower garden, we began to climb along a series of winding stairs. Elephantine Island is in the process of an archaeological dig and what we witnessed were layers and layers of history, the mud of the river laid down over top of temples, and houses, and the city over thousands of years. It fascinated me to see the history of the island laid bare from the first inscription on a granite hump-backed rock made by emissaries of King Cheops during the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom to the early dynasty temples built to the goddess of the flood, Satis. We walked through a village past the house of the nomarch, Heka-ib, past Jewish bakeries and houses built above, to the now toppled and still ancient, but more recent temple to Khnum built by Queen Hatshepsut. (continued…)

Circling in the Temple at EdfuEntering the Temple of the Soul
with Normandi Ellis & Nicki Scully

March 7 - 21, 2011

Please come with us for a journey of contemplative exploration in Egypt, to celebrate our ancient history on this planet, to visit the temples of our brothers and sisters in light, and to write and share our stories. This is the true unfolding flower of love that connects us all. Peace to you.

Get the full story and details on this amazing journey to Egypt with Normandi Ellis, poetess, writer and translator of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

Women’s Visionary Congress 2010

October 22 - 24, IONS Retreat Center, Petaluma, California

The fourth annual Women's Visionary Congress will take place this year from October 22 - 24, 2010 at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) Earthrise Retreat Center, near Petaluma, California. This year the Women's Visionary Congress (WVC) will feature thirty visionary women healers, scholars, activists and artists who study consciousness and altered states. Presenters at the 2010 Women's Congress will include visionary artist Martina Hoffmann, Marsha Rosenbaum of the Drug Policy Alliance, ritualist Nicki Scully, researcher Alicia Danforth and psychedelic voyager Carolyn (Mountain Girl) Garcia.

The theme of the 2010 WVC is Sex and Psychedelics: Limbic Resonance and Deep Thrills. As we do each year, we will discuss insights gained through exploration of consciousness in heightened states of awareness. Accomplished women in our community and also some of our male allies will talk about how we align our passion, cognition, empathy and intimacy. The WVC supports the transfer of knowledge among women who apply the insights of their research and spiritual path. We will gather on beautiful land in Northern California to renew our community of adventurers and visionaries.

The Women's Visionary Congress is a benefit for our V Fund that makes grants to support the work of visionary women. Tickets are $325 which includes a $75 annual membership to the Women's Visionary Council, the nonprofit organization that organizes the annual WVC gathering. Ticket price covers all presentations, meals and comfortable lodging for three days and two nights. Scholarship tickets are available.

The WVC welcomes interested women and men to join us as we create a temporary community, talk, dance, eat delicious food and participate in a series of conversations with wise women. We look forward to seeing you there.

For ticket information please contact Natalie Engber at or call (707) 489-8877. Tickets may also be purchased via PayPal through a link on the WVC registration page.

Women's Visionary Congress Website





