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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Photo by Indigo RonlovDear Friends,

I'm half way home from Egypt, and somewhat , or rather very, jet-lagged, but I have a few things to say. My what a time we've had! It was really luscious for all of us. Having Indigo Ronlov as co-leader brought both ease and depth to the experience on many levels, and I'm really excited that she will be leading a tour in March of 2014. More info on that below and on our website. Her eco-psychology project was received with great excitement both in schools and with selected groups in Cairo, at Sakkara, and most exciting, when we stopped and visited the villages along the Nile. She started something wonderful for Egypt, and I know it will spread and perhaps become a new template for how we can clean up and re-purpose much of the world's plastic garbage bags and bottles.

Amanda and Amy having a momentThe boat turned out to be full because Mohamed brought Hannan, his wife along and Tarek came from the Mena House. Tarek took hundreds of photos, which he gave to me but I haven't had a chance to go through them.

This was a very unusual journey, in that the group perhaps because it was small and intimate, coalesced in a way that brought very different types of people into a harmony that superceded our wildest expectations. "Sekhmet" from The Anubis OracleWhat a wonder it is that when we are of one heart and one mind, and all hold the same intention of creating peace in our hearts and in the world, magic happens and somehow our differences enrich our experience.

The neteru, the gods of Egypt that are the principles of nature that informed the ancients are the same principles that inform us today, regardless of our background, religious beliefs, or our unique way of experiencing the magic. It was the goddess Sekhmet, Lady of Flame, the feminine face of the sun, who's name means Power or The Mighty One, that actually led this journey. It was her all-encompassing love of each of us that allowed us to experience the possibilities of disintegration, void, the illumination and reincorporation. Throught this process we were able to release of all the parts of our bodies, characteristics, and old stories that no longer serve us. In the restructuring of our beings into stronger, healthier bodies, minds and souls, we gained new insight, compassion and gratitude for all the lessons and gifts in our lives.

BlueThis was a powerful dive into a new alchemy, the most wonderous gift of which became the gratitude and joy with which we lived every moment of our experience, and were forever changed by it. Yet this was a team effort—as above, so below, our human circle was matched by the gods who helped us, which included Ptah and Khnum, Horus and Sobek, Hathor and Thoth, and of course, Isis as we celebrated our new selves in the first rays of the sun, held in the embrace of her maternal, loving wings at her island temple at Philae.

Now that I'm back in New York, I look forward to a few days of family time with granddaughter Blue before I return to home and garden, and the fulfilling work that lies ahead. It's hard to believe that Blue is not a baby anymore. She is talking a blue streak (excuse the pun) and every moment with her is a delight. More news as it develops… My soul is still somewhere in the sky between Egypt and here, and so I will try to get some sleep and hopefully it will catch up with me before morning, although it's already 5:30AM as I write this.

Love and blessings to you all,
Nicki Scully

painting by Emily BaliventAlchemical Healing, Personal and Planetary

An Intensive 7-day Retreat with Nicki Scully

August 15-21, 2014
Eugene, Oregon

Alchemical Healing is a comprehensive healing form that includes shamanistic techniques that are both fast and effective. Whether you come for personal healing or to learn how to heal others, this immersion will give you new tools with which to empower yourself and others.

Because of the shamanic nature of the Alchemical Healing work, we are planning to make CEUs available for massage therapists, who will be able to take the methods from Alchemical Healing into their massage sessions, bringing added depth and richness to the healing process.

We will work with the elements, rewiring the hands and fingers so that there will be more precision with which to create change within the body. Plant spirits, power animals and other spirit guides will become part of your healing team, trustworthy and able to bring their unique gifts to whatever situation or challenge you are facing in your self or with your clients. Attention will be given to the use of Akasha and timelines, working with the ancestor wisdom and various other techniques, both in Nicki's books and beyond.

Our illnessess and other challenges are our teachers, and we each have the ability within to face and alleviate adversarial situations consciously by learning from them, and applying those lessons using the shamanic and alchemical techniques shared in this intensive retreat.

This retreat is open to all levels of students and practitioners, as we will study the entire form, including processes and initiations from all three related texts Alchemical Healing, Power Animal Meditations and Planetary Healing. We will be moving quickly through the basics—thus students are required to come to this retreat having already read Alchemical Healing, and practiced the form to some extent. This is also a great opportunity for advanced students as it will be both a refresher and an opportunity to learn and practice new techniques and receive new empowerments. This intensive class is a prerequisite for the Alchemical Healing Practitioner Certification.

If you haven't already registered, please visit, or inquire at, for more detailed information.

Register before May 15th, 2014 you will receive a $200 discout. That is also our scholarship rate. Email us if you need other creative financial assistance, and please give us your phone number.

Online Registration Here

"Into the Mystery" from The Anubis OracleMagical Bonds of Isis & Thoth Egyptian Mysteries Retreat

with Normandi Ellis and Nicki Scully

September 11th-15th, 2014

in Eugene, Oregon at the Lyceum of Shamanic Egypt at Nicki Scully's home/center/temple

We've changed the dates and are back at Nicki's for this year's 16th (approx) annual Egyptian Mysteries Retreat!

We will be immersing ourselves in Egyptian lore, entering new portals into ancient teachings as we learn ways in which ancient sacred texts and rites provided the soul with a road map to a deeper and fuller physical, mental, and spiritual life.

With the foundations laid by Thoth, Isis, Ma'at and many other neteru of the Egyptian pantheon, we, too, may cross the bridges between worlds and drink deeply of divine wisdom in order to learn more about ourselves, our as-yet-unknown abilities, and how we can apply the lessons and love of the neteru to modern life. This retreat is being held at the Lyceum of Shamanic Egypt, Nicki's lovely home center in Eugene, Oregon. This retreat includes most meals and basic indoor accommodations, tipi or tent space.

Register before July 1st for $100 discount. That is our basic scholarship cost. Email us with your phone number if you need other creative financial assistance.

Online Registration Here

photo by Tarek LotfyEgyptian Mysteries in Egypt

with Normandi Ellis & Nicki Scully

November 9th - 23rd, 2014

This tour will focus on the Egyptian Mysteries and the writing of your spiritual memoirs. Join us in learning to create meaning from our life experiences and manifest new destinies for ourselves through spiritual re-membering, writing, initiations, and ceremonies at temples and other sacred sites along the Nile.

Click here for more information and registration….

Pilgrimage to Egypt

with Indigo Rønlov & Special Guest TBA

March 8th - 22nd, 2015

It is with great joy and pleasure that I introduce the March, 2015 tour to Egypt with Indigo Rønlov at the helm of the Egyptian Mysteries ceremonies and teachings. Indigo has been working with me for a number of years now. Her intelligence and the relationships she has created with the neteru of Egypt, our land operator partners Quest travel, and the people of Egypt since she started traveling with me has been nothing short of astonishing. I wholeheartedly recommend this amazing opportunity for a voyage of a lifetime!

"I look forward to sharing a most special Egyptian Mysteries adventure March 8-22, 2015 with you and a very special guest co-leader. Join us as we access our innate creative fires through the elemental beauty and inspiration offered by this land and the intricately carved and colored ancient monuments we visit. We will meet the Egyptian pantheon and learn their stories, while honoring rites and ceremonies created specially for this tour. A journey like no other, you are sure to be transformed and recreated into your fullest potential and purpose. Additional information will soon be forthcoming." —Indigo

Sign up here to receive more information on this tour…

Now available on Hathor's Mirror!

Missionary Chocolates

"I just couldn't help myself! This is some of the best hand made chocolate I've ever encountered, and so I have to make it available to you! There are only five pieces in each box, but they are rather large, and the flavors are such that you will want to share each one with others. Sometimes we cut them into pieces, but often I just put out the box and let everyone sample nibble until they are gone, which is always all to soon!"

So check out our newest product at


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