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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Brrrrrrrr— SelfieIt's really hard to get past the drearies this time of year in Oregon. Somehow I can imagine that there are many of you out there that would have to agree, we are in between inspirations. The first shoots of this year's garden are sprouting forth, but it's just too cold to appreciate the dawning new life. What do we do to push ourselves forward in spite of winter's malaise? I, for one, seem to respond best when I'm engaged with others in deep conversation —conversations that speak to how we get by and where do we go from here. Mostly I come alive during my Calls to Action, when I'm teaching or leading tours to Egypt, or when I'm developing new discoveries of how to expand consciousness.

Change is in the air. If we find a still moment we can hear it churning in our own brains, chirping in the birds that fluff themselves up to keep warm and in our hearts as each day grows longer and allows more light in.

This morning I was greeted by a great blue heron, fishing down by the edge of the pond. We have no ibises here, so whenever the heron comes to fish, it's as though Thoth appears incarnate, and I smile with gratitude. It reminded me of this short snippet from Awakening Osiris, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, as translated by Normandi Ellis.

Great Blue Heron in William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge, OregonBecoming the Heron …Talk is unnecessary. We've been seduced by many words, many colors, many thorns, many bright flowers. I speak for the quiet language of sun, the yawn and shudder of a newborn covered with black markings. I speak for the gods hidden in things that cry: Uncover your faces. Through your own light, come. There is fire within you three thousand times over that you do not yet know. From your own bodies you give birth to all time and its seasons. The god you seek is within. The truth you chase lies between your own eyebrows. Look again with a different eye.

I am a blue heron, the messenger, a reborn and dying god. I celebrate neither birth nor death. Whatever is given me, I take like a fish from the water. By day I exist because I exist. By night I sail above the river, a single star wise in the darkness.

Here's a bit of magic—It's as if while I was writing about the doldrums, the inspiration started flowing. Normandi and I had a book meeting this morning and began in earnest writing our Egyptian Mysteries book. What a shock it was to discover that we have 20 years of work compiled from our retreats and journeys to Egypt. Nicki and Normandi at WOW in Seattle, 2013This Mysteries retreat in May will be very special indeed, for that and our November trip to Egypt will probably complete this body of work. For those of you who don't know Normandi, she is a perfect embodiment of Isis, and I am her lineage sister and represent Thoth in this divine marriage. I can't wait to see what we birth together. For more information about Normandi, here is her website, and I have all her Egyptian books available at

The Magical Bonds of Isis and Thoth: An Egyptian Egyptian Mysteries Retreat with Nicki Scully and Normandi Ellis, May 8 - 12, Camp Chesterfield, Indiana.

In the meanwhile, there is still room for a few more participants in the Alchemical Healing class, beginning this Monday, February 10th for four sessions (Mondays and Thursdays) at 5:30 – 7:30 pm Pacific. (For more information about the form: Alchemical Healing) These phone classes are a great introduction and we work fast and deep so that you will be practicing the basic methods right away. I'm feeling the need to move faster each time, as we all need all the help we can get, and Alchemical Healing is the fastest form I've yet discovered for healing self and others.

"Wocekiye" by Patricia ArielI haven't set dates yet for a summer retreat although I would like to do an Alchemical Healing immersion at some point. Perhaps Levels III and IV if I have enough people to come out here for that. I'm doing four days of the advanced work in London, Ontario this coming Februiary 28th. If anybody is interested in going to Ontario, get ahold of our office see our schedules page.

On Tuesdays, February 11 and 18, from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Pacific, I'll be presenting two nights of Healing our Ancestral Lines. The first night is based on my vision quest in the Cave of the Ancestors, and includes a shamanic journey to the approximately 7,500 year old shaman's cave in the Western Desert of Egypt. In our work in that ancient cave you will have an opportunity to connect with your ancestors and heal the frayed and broken lines that keep us from the ancient wisdom that is our birthright. The second night we will work on the evolutionary processes that brought our ancestors through times as difficult and even more so than what we're going through at present. It is in times of chaos and turmoil that we awaken and create the necessary quantum leaps in our evolution and consciousness in order to survive and support the generations that follow us. This will include some of the new work where my passion is inspired for we have definitely come to a place of mutate or die. Information and registration here…

Astarte by Willow ArleneaI would like to do a Planetary Healing Call to Action before I leave for Egypt. If I had my choice right now, I'd work on the weather as things have become so weird and unstable throughout the planet in that regard. And besides, I'm really cold! Obviously things could change dramatically between now and the week I'm in New York in the beginning of March. I will let you know as soon as I have the exact date and time. The last Planetary Healing Call to Action addressed the ongoing tragic situation emanating from the Fukushima nuclear disaster. It may be one of the most potent pieces we've done yet in our virtual healing community. It is available online (Click here for last Planetary Call to Action) and I would love to have your feedback. Also, please let others know so that the work continues; it gets stronger with each new contribution.

And, by the way, we still have room to take you to Egypt in March. Indigo and I spoke this morning and the Egyptian Mysteries work is starting to come in more clearly. It is interesting how our service work project with the women and children of Egypt ties in with the personal and planetary alchemy that the neteru, the gods of Egypt, are designing for us. They always keep us in suspense until the last minute, but they treated us to a partial overview of what we will be doing for ourselves, for Egypt, and for our precious planet. The ret has to wait until we are together, because each participant holds their part of the process. We are once again inspired as we feel the Work start to move and grow in its unique and magical creative way

I look forward to uplifting and transformative tele/skype seminars in the coming weeks, and warmer days in Egypt next month.

Blessings and Love,
Nicki Scully

Egyptian Mysteries and Service Journey
with Nicki Scully & Indigo Ronlov

March 17 - March 31

This might be the most important tour to Egypt that I will have taken in my more than 60 tour career. In addition to the deep and magical explorations of the ancient Egyptian mysteries, we are coming together in service for our beloved Egypt. Joining in collaboration with local people, school children and their teachers, we will be Spiritual Service Warriors, removing trash and litter in and around some of the sacred sites we visit, and sharing our knowledge in the practical uses for recycling the plastic into art forms and other utilitarian items.

More Info Here…

Alchemical Healing Level I
with Nicki Scully

Mondays and Thursdays, February 10, 13, 17, 20
All classes held from 5:30-7:30pm/PST

Level One includes:

  • Introduction to Thoth and Fire Mist Shower Empowerment
  • Opening of the hands and third eye
  • Using your hands to feel a person's energy field
  • Learn to feel states of health and dissonance
  • X-ray Vision
  • Learn safe techniques for clearing pain, trauma, illness & emotional blocks
  • Work energetically with plants for healing
  • Safely Access Spiritual Allies, Guides and Totems
  • Distance Healing
  • Forgiveness as an Alchemical Processes
  • And whatever else shows up!

Alchemical Healing class, Portland, January 2013You will need my book, Alchemical Healing, A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine, which is our main textbook. We will also be using Power Animal Meditations, Shamanic Journeys with your Spirit Allies. The third part of the Alchemical Healing trilogy is Planetary Healing, Spirit medicine for Global Transformation, co-written with my husband Mark Hallert.

There will be homework, assignments, and partnering for practice with others in and between these classes. Since you need Alchemical Healing and Power Animal Mediations, I am offering a 30% discount on those books on Hathor's Mirror when you register.

To learn more about Alchemical Healing and what you will learn in these classes, visit our classes page. Online registration here. Click here to see what others have said about Alchemical Healing.

Register Here…

Healing Our Ancestral Lines tele/webinar
with Nicki Scully

February 11 & 18 - 6:00 to 7:30PM Pacific time

The first evening we will journey to the Cave of the Ancestors and connect with the spirit shamans who still dwell in this ancient cave in the White Desert of Egypt. With their assistance, we will strengthen and reconnect the fragmented lines between ourselves and the old, wise ones whose strength, courage and tenacity have sustained life for our people so that we are here today. The second evening we will go deeper, learning to heal the wounds and scars created from the many breaks in our historical, physical and spiritual lines, freeing up the energy and channels so that we can receive and send forward the power that will sustain us and the future. You will also learn how to work with these shamans for future healing for yourself and others.

For more information on the Cave of the Ancestors, visit

Online Registration Here…

Email Newsletter Services by xnau
